Newbie - struggling

Hi all,

Well I am new to this website, only joined today. But have tried several methods to lose weight, including slimming world and weight watchers. Hoping there are some people on here who can help me out of bad habits haha :)


  • rewax323
    heya well done for making your self heard

    Im also new but already have read so much great material on this site and loads of people here that will steer you in the right direction.
  • CanadianScot
    CanadianScot Posts: 30 Member

    I have been using MFP for a good few months now and have also been struggling to lose weight. But I have finally found the motivation and woke up this morning feeling like I can really do this and achieve my goals! I think it always helps to have others to help support you, so feel free to add me and we can encourage each other to to reach our goal weight!
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    welcome aboard! I have tried loads of methods as well but this seems to be working so far. I think the key to success is honesty with logging foods. I love the exercise element of it - it encourages exercise!! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Tintamar5678
    This site and phone app has helped me in the past drop 30lbs. I stopped using it in July and went back to eating a lot of junk like pizza and fast food. Since then gained 5lbs back which really isn't that bad for months of eating crap. I have installed the app on my phone again and am gonna give it another go. I have cut my calorie goal down another 100 since last using it. I was basically maintaining my weight before with my goals. Need to add some exercise in.

    This site/app is gonna help you a lot nicbeavis10 just got to stay on top of updating it every time you eat.

    Welcome =)
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    Hey, Welcome. Feel free to add me. I have been on here a while now and have lost 27lbs and am aiming to lose another 25lbs by christmas.

    I have just started a challenge called Loss for Xmas feel free to join for motivation etc.
  • nicbeavis10
    Thank you all very much for your messages. Really appreciated, please feel free to add me and help me on my journey. I may not be much use but I will definitely try and help aswell :) xx
  • estepteau
    I have been on MFP for 8months and the majority of my weightloss came from logging my food on here and recieving support and inspiration from my pals. The statistics say a person can lose 10% more weight with a GREAt support system. Remember 80% of your new lifstyle of losing weight is NUTRITION. :) Welcom to MFP!!!
  • nicbeavis10
    Thank you very much :)

    I am addicted to this site already and only joined this morning!! It is amazing how seeing what you eat/drink when it is written down can help.....quite scary and changes your view on things i think. I mean for instance I now have a can of Dr Pepper...did not realise it has 137cals - not good!!!
  • JimWyatt
    Hi Nic!

    Welcome to myfitnesspal. I believe you have stumbled onto a tool that will help you see what you are actually eating and how many calories you are taking in daily.

    In my experience, it has helped me see the macro nutrients and total calories I have been eating and has helped change my behavior and what I eat.

    My advice is to log what you eat every day and ever meal. Just be honest with yourself. Once you see that eating a McRib sandwich, fries and a medium coke (example :) ) has about your total daily required calories, it will help you make the changes you need to in order to lose a healthy amount of weight.

    I am a Team Beachbody coach and have access to nutrition and exercise information. If you need help figuring out your diet, I will help you for FREE. If you are interested, just email me at and I will be happy to help you any way I can. If not, just keep logging your food and make the adjustments you need to make and you will see your weight coming off.

    Good luck.

    To your health and fitness,
