How do you keep from snacking in the evenings?

I am great during the day, but as soon as I sit down on the couch to watch a show with my husband, I'm constantly thinking about what I can snack on. Evenings are the worst time of the day for me. Some of the tricks I've been using are to snack on healthy things like veggies or fruit or evening to have a cup of decaf coffee which seems to kill the cravings for me. Still, I'd love to hear some other tricks, because some evenings I just can't win that fight against cravings.


  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Get your husband one of these and the permission to taze you whenever you snack....sure that will straighten you out ;)

  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    There's nothing wrong with snacking at night, just make sure to stay around your calorie goal!
    Your metabolism doesn't stop just because you go to sleep :D
  • Well I have this same problem and a few things I am trying is that I set an alarm on my phone that tells me to stop eating at a certain time of evening. I also clean the kitchen which makes me not want to dirty anything else. I also am trying to make sure I have an okay snack in the early evening. Currently it is SF jello with some frozen fruit in it or 1 pc. of Riesen caramel (chilled). Everyone says to have something to keep your hands busy and I have some knitting but that doesn't always work. Good Luck.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    there is nothing wrong with snacking in the evening, just make sure you leave some calories to allow for the snacks.
  • McMehu
    McMehu Posts: 103 Member
    I try and save most of my calories for the evening. this week if I am low I either have veggies or air popped popcorn for a snack. or I go to bed early
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    I save 100 calories from my allowence for an evening snack!
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I try to stay with healthier things like those 100 cal packs of microwave popcorn... I find night snacking is due primarily to
    boredom for me so I try to basically get "unbored"... by getting up and doing something productive or anything engaging my hands
    (reading a book, working on a project - right now making a home made Christmas Stocking) When my hands are occupied it's
    pretty impossible to snack. I can work on projects and watch TV at the same time.
  • colwellk
    colwellk Posts: 19 Member
    I brush my teeth after I'm done eating dinner. Somehow once I've brushed my teeth, it seems like I shouldn't be hungry anymore. I do find it helpful to be doing something with my hands, too, knitting or something.
  • I don't think there's anything wrong with an evening snack, either. Keep the calories available from your daily tally and don't make it too heavy. I've enjoyed a cup of decaf green tea with honey and lemon and a couple tea biscuits, a Special K Protein Snack Bar or the new Marathon Protein Mini Snack Bars made by Snickers. This satifies me except when I want something salty. Then I'll pop a 100-calorie pop corn with water flavored with Crystal Light Raspberry Green Tea. Enjoy! And DON'T FEEL GUILTY!:smile:
  • dshorette
    dshorette Posts: 3 Member
    I sit and knit. I find I am snacking because I want something to do while I am watcing TV. If I am kniting I dont think about snacking!
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I agree: popcorn is great, lowsalt and no butter. I have chewable calcium and vitamin pills (caramel flavored). I have those two sweets in the evening--giving me essential vitamins and taking care of my sweet tooth.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I'm a calorie hoarder. I'm always terrified that I'm going to be starving in the evenings and have run out of calories, so I usually save about 900 calories for dinner and evening snacks. This is almost always more than enough, and instead of worrying about going over my calories for the day, I'm actually finding that I'm able to eat something extra. I've also increased my water to between 10-20 glasses a day and I'm just not as hungry as I used to be. If you're looking for some lower calorie snacks for the evening time, try the sugar free jello pudding cups. They're only 60 calories and usually are just enough. Or there's the laughing cow cheese wedges at 35 calories. Pair it with some veggies or even a 100 calorie pack of crackers.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I floss and brush and usually have a glass of water. I also stay away from the drive-through, which my hubby unfortunately LOVES to do at night -- he only gets diet soda (which I know is awful for you), but it makes ME hungry! Good luck to you!:smile:
  • Atrox
    Atrox Posts: 59
    I have this same problem. Obviously snacking at night is not a death nail for diets, but if you are like me at all it can get out of hand and over my calorie goal. Things to try: watch less TV (take walks around block with husband instead- this used to work great for me when I had a significant other- even take some wine to make it more social :); do something with your hands (knit, crossword puzzles, sudoku, sew, etc); and go to bed earlier (watch that last show in bed- I think most people don't even think of eating in bed). Good luck- I know this has been a hard one for me as well!
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I have tea. Its great for you digestion, and there are so many flavors you can curb that sweet tooth with a little sweet tea (sweetened with stevia or splenda of course!)

    But like people say, if you're actually hungry and have calories left over, then some popcorn or apple and peanut butter (or whatever floats your boat) isn't gonna kill ya.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Get your husband one of these and the permission to taze you whenever you snack....sure that will straighten you out ;)



    And btw :mad: don't show this to my husband
  • rblair_22
    rblair_22 Posts: 202 Member
    In the past I have always had a cup of milk. I would always make sure that I had enough calories left and then maybe an hour after dinner, when my cravings would show up, I would drink 8 oz of 2% milk. That has always helped me.
  • AshjMusik
    AshjMusik Posts: 113 Member
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    WE make sugar free orange jello with mandarin oranges ...a big dish...and have lite cool whip to put on top in the fridge every other week. If I just eat fruit by makes me hungrier! Dont know why...but it does. We like to buy the Kroger 94% fat free popcorn. It isnt quite as good...but, it curbs the cravings. Yogurt fills me I always have that on hand. We also buy the sugar free popsickle brand fudge pops that are only 40 calories for the chocolate cravings. WEight watchers has recipes for pies to make. There is an idea if you just want something different sometime. WE made the WEight watchers KEy lime pie....which wasnt bad! This past weekend...I changed it up a bit and made the KEy lime pie....but switched up the ingrediants with orange jello and orange yogurt and lite cool whip and added the mandarin oranges and we loved it! The key lime pie recipe is:
    1/4 cup of boiling water....added to the small box of sugar free lime jello. Whisk it until it is dissolved. Then add 2 6 oz containers of fat free lime yogurt....whisk that in the jello. THEN....fold in the 8 oz thawed tub of lite cool whip...and put it in a reduced fat gramham cracker crust. REfrigerate for at least 4 hours until set. Then...that is a nice low cal treat for the family! Love it on Sundays.
    Like I said, yesterday I changed it up a bit and followed the directions to that recipe....but, changed to SUGAR free orange jello....two 6 oz orange yoplait fat free yogurts....and then after I folded in the cool whip...added drained mandarin oranges to it....and yum!!! Just some ideas. Hope that helps and GOOD LUCK!!!! : ) : ) : :)
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    If it fits in my calories for the day, I just snack...