Loose skin for 100+ lb weight loss? :(

I started losing weight at a max weight of 226. I'm 196 today. I'm 23 years old, 5ft2 and want to be 115. I'm going to keep losing weight, but I'm upset about loose skin. I know it seems vain and I should only care about being healthy but....yeah lol

Is it completely unavoidable that I will have saggy skin? I can tell my belly will probably sag :( But I'm not sure as I still have 81 pounds to go. So time will tell...

Any remedies I can do? Or am I screwed?


  • asaba1013
  • brimir
    brimir Posts: 72
    lose it slowly and tone! :)
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    Check out: http://blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com/ She has lost over 100 pounds and is now training for a pagent. It can be done. But weight training is the key!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    You are at a great age to lose weight. As you go through the losing process, you are going to see loose skin, but if you keep it up and include weight training and toning (like pilates and yoga) in to your fitness routine, your skin will bounce back. Even though I am 20 years older than you, I have noticed my skin shrinking and less loose skin as I go. But I am also losing weight at a fairly slow (for some people) pace. My goal is 5 lbs a month, so my skin seems to be keeping up with my weight loss. Hang in there and feel good about your progress. You will get the body you want if you continue to work hard and do the right things! You are smart to fight this battle now and not wait until you are my age.

    Good luck!!:drinker:
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    If you live in the UK and after weight loss you have a lot of excess skin, the NHS will more than likely remove it for free surgically based on a psychological effect basis it would have on your life, self esteem etc.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Don't worry about sounding vain. You're body may or may not have an issue with that. You won't know until you finish. =] Good luck and great work so far!
  • chipmafia
    chipmafia Posts: 6 Member
    "Loose skin" is just a myth. There are some cases were skins elasticity is gone, and it must be surgically removed, but most times it is just more fat that needs to be gone.

    Pinch the skin on the back of your hand. That is skin. Everything else is fat contained in the skin.

    Here's one link:


    It's not a peer-reviewed scientific journal, but it still gives you the idea. The only people that talk up loose skin removal is plastic surgeons.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    there is a very good chance as long as you don't smoke that you won't get none at your age! but as others have said slowly and tone and drink water and a good cream will do the trick xx
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    The younger you are, the more elastic your skin, which means the less loose skin you'll have when you're done losing the weight. So putting it off is definitely not the answer for anyone.

    Losing weight slowly will give your skin time to shrink, too. How well your skin bounces back is also dependent on genetics, so if you have family members who have gained and lost a lot of weight, look at their results for an idea of yours. Some loose skin is unavoidable, but it will shrink over the next couple of years, so where your skin is when you hit your goal weight is not where it'll end up when all is said and done.
  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
    Depending how long you have been at the previous weight will determine how your skin will respond. You are young enough that toning might respond to it. That is great that you lost that much weight. Here's to a new you!!!
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    I am also 5'2 and I started at 219. I have loose skin as well, under my arms, inner thighs and my belly is the worst of all but I've had 3 kids. It does bug me but I'm going to keep on losing. My SIL knows a woman that used to weigh a little uncer 300 and now weighs 150 and her skin isn't that loose - it's soft but NOT loose. Their nutritionist told them that skin takes longer (up to 2 years) to catch up with our weightloss. She also could not express enough the importance of drinking plenty of water (hydration) for the skin to bounce back into place. So don't worry about the saggy skin and keep working out and eating well. I dislike my skin but I'd rather have saggy skin than be back up at 219. Right now I mainly do cardio so perhaps when I start going to the gym to tone, things will start pulling in. LOL!

    Keep up the good work...don't let anything get you discouraged...you are SO worth it.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    P.S. I'm in Texas too! :bigsmile:
  • dez_yaoichan
    i started at 217, my goal is 125, and right now i am at 168. so far i have noticed some loose skin- mainly when i start losing too fast or am not working out like i should. really the thing im worried about is stretch marks... you couldn't see any when i was bigger but now its very easy to see.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I have shed about 125 pounds and I do have some loose skin, but not a whole lot and it is usually not noticeable. Under my clothes, you can't tell at all. However, the loose skin on my tummy and thighs is there and, although it will probably tighten up somewhat over time, I am pretty sure it's mostly permanent without surgery, which I wouldn't get unless it caused major health issues.

    I view my loose skin as the price I have to pay for treating my body so poorly for so long.

    To minimize the issue, however, make sure you get plenty of exercise (including strength training), stay hydrated, and moisturize.

    If you do end up with loose skin, think about it this way -- wouldn't you rather be fit and healthy with saggy skin than fat and unhealthy with firm skin? I would.
  • jpamplin28
    jpamplin28 Posts: 76 Member
    I have loose skin on my abdomen (c-section didn't help there), thighs, and upper arms. On the abdomen is pretty bad but on the thighs and arms not so much. I do strength training and keep my skin hydrated by drinking lots of water. I also make sure to keep my skin moisturized. I am going to get a tummy tuck for the loose skin on my abdomen but even if that weren't possible I would still be 1000 times happier with the loose skin than I was with a morbidly obese body.
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    bump ... good conversation I'll be back
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    Bump. Agree ...this is good info. I will be back too.
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    I think your age will help but everyone is different, my best friend lost 120lbs a couple of years ago and all she had was a tiny bit of loose skin on her belly! . . .. .I'm a lot older than you and I am pretty sure loose skin is gunna be an issue for me (I have well over 100lbs to lose too). I had all my children by c-section unfortunately, so I have an over-hanging empty baby pouch (lovely!) which is shrinking but will never completely go . . .but I'm not too worried to be honest . .I am 41lbs down and looking and feeling SO much better, I will worry about it WHEN I get to goal!

    good luck x
  • NPetrakis
    NPetrakis Posts: 164 Member
    unless the loose skin is so severe that it needs to be rolled and tucked to allow for clothing, there shouldn't be surgery. This will only occur in the most severe weight loss scenarios, such as Biggest Loser, where people shed 100s of pounds during the season of the show. Otherwise the body will do it's best and maintain balance. certainly age is a factor as well.
  • shazzahare
    The of rules in the uk have changed for excessive skin surgery due to finances. You now have to have a bmi of 27 after weight loss before they allow surgery which as my surgeon told me is almost impossible to achieve. It used to be 30 but as the nhs are suffering on the financial front the powers that be decided that this is not essential surgery but cosmetic which is therefore not essential. I had this conversation last week with my surgeon as this is my major worry after I have the surgery early next year.

    The younger you are the more elasticity the skin has so the chances are your skin will tone up really well with exercise, the doctor rec swimming as it uses all your muscles. At 46 I will have a real battle on my hands.