hey guys I'm doing this workout and monitoring my progress o

90 minutes, five times a week:

°Warm up: 10 minutes on a cardiovascular machine, such as a treadmill or a stationary bike. But only at a medium pace, so as to not tire out too early in the workout.

°Abdominals:50 crunches, 50 bicycle twists & 50 leg raises. Repeat this rountine 3 more time in between weights, making it 600 crunches in all.

°Strength Circuit: Using weights work on the arms, chest, back & lower body. Bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, fly exercises and presses.

°Back to Cardio and Abs: 30 minutes jogging on the treadmill or exercise on an elliptical cross-training machine. Then repeat the same abdominal workout up to three more times in sets of 150 of each exercise.

°Stretch: Lots of stretches after each workout and at least one yoga class a week.
******* since I dont have a yoga studio near by I'm going to do a long youtube yoga (30-60 min) once a week (ex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcC8hZPwj6w ) and a short yoga (5-15 min) five days a week ex) http://www.youtube.com/user/yogatoday?blend=7&ob=4#p/u/0/qKxQCL8fD6M But i'm not doing the same videos every day!

anyone else wanna do this workout with me?

site I found the original workout at:


  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    nice, I'll take a look thanks for sharing
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Sounds good that you are doing this much, but I would like to caution you that you should not work the same muscle groups in back to back days (this includes ab work). I would suggest just doing the ab work 3 days with a rest day between each one, and for the strength training to work different muscle groups each day, not every muscle group all 5 days.
  • hotforcollege
    hotforcollege Posts: 34 Member
    Day 1: complete.... one word: OUCH!