
Hello everyone!
My name is Anna. I've heard many things about this website and finally decided to check it out. I joined Weight Watchers in Jan. 2010. I lost 25 pounds and then found out I was pregnant. I was totally bummed because I was going to gain all that weight that I had lost! However, I did very well throughout my pregnancy. I only gained 19 pounds while I was pregnant (and my daughter was 9 lbs of that!) and breastfed so I dropped the extra weight in no time! As my body slowly started getting used to nursing and my hormones weren't so crazy I felt myself falling back into my old habits. My daughter is now 8 months old and for 6 months I have tried to lose weight. I do great for about a week and then lose motivation. I'm so thankful I found this website so now I can read all of your weight loss stories and help keep myself motivated! Hope you all have a great day!

*Any encouragment is greatly appreciated! :smile:


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and good luck. :drinker:
  • jasmineheaven
    Nice to meet you Anna! Welcome to the site! The "majority" of us are friendly and willing to help so if you have a question, dont be afraid to ask! You also have the option to add people to your friends list if you see someone that interests you. Enjoy your time here!
  • merrick7871
    Welcome. I am new here also, started about 2 weeks ago. My goal is to lose 50 pounds, and then maybe go from there. My 50 pound goal deadline is April. I need all of the help and motivation I can get. Good Luck and hope to see you around.
  • Bellini500
    Bellini500 Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome, and good luck!
  • butterflimom
    Welcome! This is overall a wonderful community with lots of helpful people. I wish you well on your journey!
  • nanina08
    Thank you, all! I just posted that like 10 min ago. And already, I'm receiving encouragment! With your help, I know I can do this!