I'm new here

I found out about this site through a friend and decided to join, as its an easy way for me to track my meals without having to keep a diary with me. I'm about 75lbs overweight and have some diet-related health problems. I was told to eat normally for the next couple weeks and record my meals and symptoms, so thats what I'm doing on here. I'm also trying to exercise at least one hour, five times per week. I find it so hard to work out when nobody will come with me, but I'm hoping being forced to write it down and be accountable for my eating and exercising will help me out. I also gave my Mom access to my account so she can keep tabs on me and provide a little extra motivation and advice.

I really need to lose weight and get healthy - and I don't think I realize how much I eat or how little I exercise. Already this site is helping to improve awareness. I think it'll help with motivation as well, and having to check in every day should help keep healthy eating and exercise on my mind so I'll actually do it... I've been procrastinating and making excuses for way too long.

So hello, here I am, I'm ready to do this.


  • Nik_149
    Nik_149 Posts: 5
    I found out about this site through a friend and decided to join, as its an easy way for me to track my meals without having to keep a diary with me. I'm about 75lbs overweight and have some diet-related health problems. I was told to eat normally for the next couple weeks and record my meals and symptoms, so thats what I'm doing on here. I'm also trying to exercise at least one hour, five times per week. I find it so hard to work out when nobody will come with me, but I'm hoping being forced to write it down and be accountable for my eating and exercising will help me out. I also gave my Mom access to my account so she can keep tabs on me and provide a little extra motivation and advice.

    I really need to lose weight and get healthy - and I don't think I realize how much I eat or how little I exercise. Already this site is helping to improve awareness. I think it'll help with motivation as well, and having to check in every day should help keep healthy eating and exercise on my mind so I'll actually do it... I've been procrastinating and making excuses for way too long.

    So hello, here I am, I'm ready to do this.
  • momathome
    momathome Posts: 72
    well congrats on noticing you need a change and good luck to you. I know for myself this site has helped me improve myself. I like being able to look at what I ate and it is helpful for me to not put things in my mouth. I hope you find what you need and reach your goal
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    You will really enjoy logging on this website. It can be very addictive!:smile:
    Good luck!
  • jill5677
    jill5677 Posts: 56 Member

    My only advice to you is to try to select a work-out program that will WORK for you that you can maintain! If an hour a day for 5 days a week isn't something you can keep up, long term, then don't start because you're just setting yourself up to fail.

    Try starting with 1/2 hour or 40 minutes for 3 - 4 times a week. If you find you WANT to go more, then go more. But don't set a goal so high you can't acheive it, otherwise you will just be down on yourself for not working out.

    Even 15 - 20 minutes a day a few times a week can make a huge difference in your life.

    My goal for myself is 30 minutes of cardio, 3 times a week. I usually can maintain that every week, even when I'm busy or feeling lazy that week. Most weeks, I get there 4 times, but not always. This way, I never feel guilty about SKIPPING the gym...
    Also, if I know I can make it 4 times a week, sometimes I let myself just work out for 20 or 25 minutes. It makes life so much easier to be flexible!

    GOOD LUCK!!!! :)
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    I think Jill has excellent advice and I couldn't say it better myself- set up a routine so you don't set yourself up for failure.

    I do cardio and strength training every other day so I don't burn out on exercise (typically on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday). I like to do 35 minutes on the elliptical trainer and thirty minutes doing strength training; however, I often find myself doing cardio on my off days too. Cardio on my off days includes the elliptical, shopping, walking around on the Las Vegas Strip, and more shopping ^_^

    Stick to your guns and don't be afraid of change!

    Good Luck!