Ravenclaw Common Room



  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Hey guys am happy with my weigh in this week and have a doctors appointment tomorrow so am a bit nervous.

    Last weeks weigh in 104
    Current weight: 103 apparently (47 kgs so am still not happy with been that close to 50 kgs)
    house points: 525 (yay)

    OWLs: total- 5 I think
    food- 2 I think but could be wrong
    exercise- 0
    spirit- 3 I think

    Need to get organised and start counting my OWLS daily again. :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    posted in error by emmie_rene because she always forgets to look who is logged in...
  • the_accountinator
    Quick check-in before work at 279.8. Lack of exercise and not enough water are the culprits I think. I earned 4 OWLs for veggies and 1 OWL for exercise, and added 30 house points toward being victorious against the other houses.

    Hope everyone has an awesome Monday and rest of the week!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    sorry i missed checkin yesterday-no power, no wifi!! liz, it was only about 15 hours for us, so i really feel for you without it for 1+week!!
    ok, late weigh in this week and not a good one (i'm not surprised)
    weight-176.8 is a 2lb gain :grumble: . i think i need to change something up...granted i ate really poorly a couple days, but i'm just not burning the number of calories with my workouts that i used to. feels like i'm putting in the same effort but not burning. i'm getting really frustrated and just not keeping with my program like i should. also, some personal stressors are coming to a head that will probably be hanging around for awhile. time to NOT go back to my usual stress eating.

    clearly a bad week!! hoping to get back on track this week. on the up side, i did get a very nice bike ride in yesterday!! happy monday to all :bigsmile:
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    Checking in for the week. (I changed my weigh-in day to Monday to coincide with my workout schedule... hope that isn't a problem) I started a new workout program this week after a 2 week hiatus so I already knew that I wouldn't really have any losses this week as my body adjusted. I'm happy that I got in all 6 days and looking forward to the next week!

    Weight: 244.6
    OWLS: 9 (6 exercise, 2 spirit, 1 food)
    House Points: 357

    I don't think I posted a November goal yet, so I will be aiming for 238 this month.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Last week's Results: OWLS: 16 House Points: 351 weight: 127lbs

    On to week #2 in November!!!! Again the no junk food thing is what I really need to work on- I swear 1 piece of candy turns into 5 begore I know it, and then I say screw it and the whole night is lost (and the calories I worked to NOT eat all day long). So here goes!!! My indulgence will be a Diet Dr.Pepper every day- its my weakness and helps keep the migraines away!

    Weekly Stats (Sat./Sun./Mon)
    Food (no junk): +2
    Exercise (ab contractions): +3
    Spirit: +1
    House Points: 130

    Weekly Stats:
    OWLS- 6 House Points- 130
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    Morning check in. I had a chocolate craving yesterday. I usualy do not get them, only occassionally. We were at the mall and passed the Godiva store. New parfait chocolate. I had to have one. Well, 2 and truffle. It could have been worse, but there went my owl for yesterday. It was worth it. Sweet craving gone. I was so proud of myself for resisiting the halloween candy. Did not have any at all this season. Resisted the candy at home and the office.

    Also, forgot my ab challenge yesterday. oops.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Been fighting off a cold this week and recovering from a fall on Thursday. I haven't had skinned knees like this since I was in grade school. Mostly ice and lots of sleep.

    Totals for week of 10/31
    House Spirit (post ) - +4
    Food (Veggies) - +0
    Exercise (150 reps) - +0
    4 OWLs
    exercise minutes = 200
    Weight gain = -2.6 lb, weighed in at 184.2.

    *Progress towards week of 11/6 -11/7 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +0
    Food (no junk) - +0
    Exercise (Abs) - +0

    *exercise minutes*
    November Month to date total = 320
    Week of 11/6 exercise minutes = 120
    11/6 exercise minutes - 120 minutes gardening (digging holes and planting)
    11/7 exercise minutes - TBD
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    So a friend of mine came back from his honeymoon last night. He and his new wife went to Universal Studios in Orlando. They spent most of their time in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. He even said they play Moaning Myrtle recordings in the bathroom (freaked him out as it was very realistic apparently). Anyways they brought me a present! Pumpkin juice!!

  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thanks for the smiles everyone - I love reading your updates and side notes! :bigsmile:

    My one week check-up was this morning. The doc says my eye looks good and is healing fine. He took the stitches out and said the double vision should go away now - apparently the stitches pull on the cornea and distort things. I can start taking actual showers again!!!! I've had to hold a washcloth over my eye while showering with one hand for the last week - so unsatisfying! :laugh: And I can pick up my monster cat again - both of us will be much happier now.

    I totally blew the food challenge yesterday - in fact, I pretty much blew my whole diet yesterday. I'm trying to behave myself today and will be back on the exercise wagon tomorrow.

    Happy Monday all!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm actually doing ok on Junk food! yay!

    So - OWLS:

    Spirit: 1 (Forgot to post yesterday I think)
    Food: 2 (OMG!)
    Exercise: 2

    Yesterday I had some yummy earth organic fruit lollipops. 3 are 70 calories and since they last a long time and are super flavorful I find them REALLY satisfying on certain days.

    Today I am probably going to have a little milk chocolate ball (40 cals). I haven't had it yet but I feel crappy today so I kind of think that might help since I forgot to bring my almonds.
  • karinane
    karinane Posts: 36 Member
    I am glad that the junk food challenge has a loophole this time around. I completely failed last time, but I have made it with no junk so far today. I'm currently thinking about fig newtons right now, however, so I think that will be my small not too unhealthy snack.

    Glad to hear your stitches are out Sue! Happy Monday all!

  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Today I managed to meet the food challenge! I had a Roasted Almond Crunch bar after lunch, so I gave up my fudgecicle tonight. YAY!

    We're still waiting for weigh-ins from:
    cNhobbes - House Points only

    Off to bed - Good night Ravenclaw!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    So I've let myself slide with virtually no exercise aside from bowling with friends for a few days now, and I really need to get back on track. I think something about this season is settling in and making me just want to be lazy and comfortable and indulgent. Tomorrow morning, though, I will get up and I WILL do some exercise.

    Hope everyone else is getting through this week as well. :)
  • nieme
    nieme Posts: 52 Member
    Another day, I'm behving with the junk thing, so that's good. :) Need to get some exercise in sometime tonight though going out to dinner with coworkers.
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member

    Checking in, Trying to remember the excercise challenge - for some reason I keep forgetting it. I did good with it yesterday. Have remembered once today.

    Glad to hear you are doing better Sue! And I am sure your cat is happy again also.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Ravenclaws!

    First of all, a shout out to my pal Craft338- known her since college and I'm so proud she's doing so well!

    Next, I learned what happens when I don't think before I eat. I ate a bag of baked chips yesterday. No problem. Then I had a snack at class. No problem there. But when I came home and ate dinner, which put me dangerously close to my calorie limit, I realized my mistake. I should've had one OR the other, not both. The chips were fine, but I ate them because they were just there, not because I wanted them.

    The yogurt pretzels on the other hand... those I would say were my treat for the day. And only 100 calories. I will do better today. My treat for Monday night was a skinny cow ice cream bar next to the fire- quite scrumptious!

    Today I have a job interview. Wish me luck!
  • melmarie4
    Hi everyone, just heard about the harry potter challenge in the forums and i love the idea! i was wondering if it is too late to join ravenclaw? i love all things harry potter and i think doing the challenges will be fun and will keep me motivated
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Conference today- ugg- I am NOT amde to sit for 8 hours straight- just not in my DNA makeup!!!! Took a nice long run this morning to try and conteract the not movement of the day- still fidgity thoughy. Behaving super well on the no junk food (there wasn't even any Diet Dr.Pepper in my house so I couldn't even have my 1 allowed treat!)

    Today's Stats
    Food (no junk): +1
    Exercise (ab contractions): +1
    Spirit: +1
    House Points: 80

    Weekly Stats:
    OWLS- 9 House Points- 210
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi everyone, just heard about the harry potter challenge in the forums and i love the idea! i was wondering if it is too late to join ravenclaw? i love all things harry potter and i think doing the challenges will be fun and will keep me motivated
    Hello and welcome melmarie4!! There is a link in my signature to the November challenge that outlines how this thread works. To join in the fun, I will need your current weigh in and goal weight for November. If you have any questions, ask away!!

    Edit: Well.... the link used to be in my signature. Looks like MFP took it away :( I'll email it to you later tonight when I get home.