Hello All!

Hi everyone,
This is my first time ever on a website like this. I have tried many times to start my P90x workout and the furthest I have gotten is 2 weeks until I lost my motivation. Well I decided I am tired of my body and how it looks so I marked today 11/7/11 as a starting point again. The 7th should mean it is lucky for me to start so we shall see. I have a friend on here who said that this site is a great motivational tool and that everyone on here is just so supportive. Well today marks the first day of hopefully a new me.
My starting stats are
Age: 22
Height: 6'1
Weight: 220 lbs.
Goal Weight: 180
Goal Body Look: Toned
Workout Program: P90X

Hope there are others who are trying to fulfill their goals and are getting progress. Best of luck to everyone ! :)


  • Good luck...I had a friend that lost a lot of weight on here so I am giving it a go. Good luck to you!
  • Welcome! This site has been great for me. I've learned a lot, met great people and have a wonderful team of supporting friends who keep me going when I don't want to! I've lost 21 lbs so far and couldn't have done it alone.

    Best luck to you! Add me if you'd like :)