christmas challenge



  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Just checking in to say Hello & wish everyone a great Wednesday-night! I forgot to mention that I'm going to Mexico next month so it would be nice to lose ANYTHING by then. I would never dream of 20 pounds though....
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    OOPS! I forgot to weigh in the other day!!

    Christmas Challenge!

    [Starting Weight: 206.4]
    --Week one: 205.0
    [End of Challenge Goal: 195.0]
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Good Morning!

    Hope everyone had a good week and didn't have too much left over candy in the house after Halloween! (I had to send mine to work with my husband, absolutely no will power around here when it comes to the mini chocolate bars! :tongue: )

    Weigh in:
    Oct 31 - 151.9
    Nov 7 - 149.7
    Loss - 2.2

    Yay! Happy for a good start to the Christmas Challenge!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • aneatah
    aneatah Posts: 14 Member
    Weigh in day. I've converted to pounds.

    Start weight 191 pounds
    1st Nov 190 pounds
    8th Nov 189 pounds

    I seem steady a pound a week, have had a messy couple of weeks, my eatings not be fantastic and I've skipped some exercise so there is room for improvement....I'm just happy to see the scales going down!
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    awesome loss!
    I'll weigh in again in a few days, I just weighed in the other day!! =)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Good Morning!

    Hope everyone had a good week and didn't have too much left over candy in the house after Halloween! (I had to send mine to work with my husband, absolutely no will power around here when it comes to the mini chocolate bars! :tongue: )

    Weigh in:
    Oct 31 - 151.9
    Nov 7 - 149.7
    Loss - 2.2

    Yay! Happy for a good start to the Christmas Challenge!

    I did the same thing! As a bonus though....I bought crappy candy incase it stayed home!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • aneatah
    aneatah Posts: 14 Member
    Anyone else have to sneak peak at the scales inbetween weigh in's to check they are on target?
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    I try to avoid it, I find it discouraging to see a gain... On the other hand though, it's pretty motivating to see a loss too!
  • aneatah
    aneatah Posts: 14 Member
    True, although one of the reasons I do it so I can catch any gain early - makes me think harder and work harder.
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Christmas Challenge!

    [Starting Weight: 206.4]
    --Week one: 205.0 -1.4
    --Week two: 204.0 -1
    [End of Challenge Goal: 195.0]

    Total challenge loss: 2.4lbs
    --7.6 lbs to go!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Great job to my fellow challengers if you lost this week!! I hope all are well and enjoying life & our journey together!! Let's make this a good week!! Good luck!
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Christmas Challenge!

    [Starting Weight: 206.4]
    --Week one: 205.0 -1.4
    --Week two: 204.0 -1
    [End of Challenge Goal: 195.0]

    Total challenge loss: 2.4lbs
    --7.6 lbs to go!

    Awesome! Hope everyone else has had a good week!

    Weigh in:
    SW: 151.9
    LW: 149.7
    CW: 148.7
    Loss: 3.2 - 6.8 left to go, doesn't it feel like Christmas is suddenly coming way too fast?!

    Does anyone have any fitness or nutrition goals this week? I really want to get more vegetables in, never a problem with fruit because it's so easy but I find veggies to be a pain to prepare...

    Have a great week!
  • aneatah
    aneatah Posts: 14 Member
    Here we go:

    Start weight 191 pounds
    1st Nov 190 pounds
    8th Nov 189 pounds
    15th Nov 188.4 pounds

    2.6lbs down.

    My goals are to increase my water as I slipped alot this week with drinking water. Also to increase my exercise.
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Christmas Challenge!

    [Starting Weight: 206.4]
    --Week one: 205.0 -1.4lbs
    --Week two: 204.0 -1lb
    --Week three: 202.0 -2lbs
    [End of Challenge Goal: 195.0]

    Total challenge loss: 4.4lbs
    --5.6 lbs to go!

    Just to add, I have a personal November goal (my first GW) that's coming up!
    NOV Goal: 199.0lbs (3 lbs to go!!)