New Here, New Me

Hello everyone!

I am seeking to lose about 85 lbs and tone/tighten everything. Heaviness runs in my family and though I have learned to live with it, I would love to live without it. I am 24 years old and evenly porportioned but I feel this person goal is something I need to do for me. Not only will I benefit from this drastic change health wise, but in other areas of my life such as my confidence.

For those of you who have and are succeeding, your words of encouragement is greatly appreciated.

For those of you who are in the same position as me, I will be with you. We can work together to reach our ultimate goal. I look forward to engaging with you all! Thank you in advance and have a beautiful day!


  • tilulah1304
    tilulah1304 Posts: 38 Member
    hi, nice to have you here! you can add me if you like. the more support the better! :happy:
  • TMasticTB
    TMasticTB Posts: 62 Member
    Hey BossLady! Welcome to MFP. Great attitude to start making a change young - I realized I need to start now (22) so I can be around for my kids/grandkids/etc etc etc. Feel free to add me!
  • zee_baybee

    Nice to meet. I am also in the same boat with the heaviness in the family. Decided to loose about 100lbs.

    Starting over and starting new. I'm excited.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    commit yourself to a lifestyle journey and you can SO do this. OWN each day to the best of your ability.

    I've been on this journey since Jan. 23. I've lost over 62 pounds to date. I still have work to do (another 15ish), but this is a journey for me and it will get done.