New Years Challenge

Hello Future fit friends!
I have a goal to lose 20 pounds before 2012. I want my resolution in January to be lose the last few pounds and tone up, so I am starting Today. Feel free to join me on this journey as I portion my way through thanksgiving dinner and keep holiday drinks to a minimum:drinker: . I will be working out daily and trying to stay positive through this transition.


  • You can do it!! Just keep your head in the game.. and you got it!! I'm proud of you for making the choice!! Its the small decision that make it or break it for ya!! good luck and look forward to watching you transform yourself!!
  • Infinity23
    Infinity23 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the support! Exactly what I need for success. Anyone who wants to participate is welcome. I encourage everyone to track their own goals and progress and check in here for support, mini challenges and inspiration!!!!