Jillian Michael 30 Day Shred

Hello All,

I have tried lot of workouts and have seen varied results in my body and now I am starting with the JM 30DS from today.
Anyone who wants to lose the next 5 - 10 lbs with me can join in and post about how they feel each day pre/post workout and those who have already tried this - I welcome their suggestions to make it a success for me and other who start with me.

It feels better and motivated when you know someone else is also taking the effort with u (even though its virtual)

See ya around (in a better shape)



  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    bump I was considering buying the JM 30ds I will follow you a little bit and see how you like it. :drinker:
  • rockin_momma
    rockin_momma Posts: 25 Member
    Let's do this! :)
  • lizzie2190
    lizzie2190 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, i have just completed day 1 of level 1 have done the shred before ( but stuck mainly on level 1 :s )
    Look forward to chating and seeing results :)
  • I just completed day 10 of level 1. I still have to force myself to do it...lol. but it is a really good workout. I also incorporate cardio 3-4 times a week. Excited/Nervous about level 2 tomorrow! Good luck!!
  • carrie564
    carrie564 Posts: 44 Member
    I did it awhile ago, and while it gets a good sweat & it's hard, it's only 20 minutes a day. I'd really recommend it as your strength training only, and STILL DO your larger amounts of cardio at least 5 days a week! I didn't really see results unless I did that, even though I did feel sore & stuff. Good luck! :)
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I'm starting again today (in addition to riding my stationary bike in the mornings). I started a couple of weeks ago, but I had two late work nights. After missing two days in a row, it just kind of fell along the wayside. So, I'm with you and I'm starting again this evening!
  • hlor0729
    hlor0729 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm starting today, and I'm pretty pumped up and excited. Anyways, I hope I have the same attitude after I start.
  • I did the cheat version this morning and felt great :) I'm looking forward to 29 more days.
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 430 Member
    Starting Level 2 Day 1 tomorrow!
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    So how was Level 1 Day 1 (L1D1) for all who started ? Hope that made you sweat and also boosted your motivation looking at those skinny gals doing it with so much effort :p
    I don't understand one thing - why do all fitness videos have the skinniest and fittest of people demo for us. Its easier for them to do but not for us ( or i should say people like me who have fat on the tummy n thighs). I genuinely think they should have someone like us do it to show how difficult or easy it actually is for the audience they are targeting.

    Anyway Hope you all are equally or more motivated for L1D2 today ( Oh Its long to write Level 1 Day 1 , Level 1 Day 2 and so on, hence I am gonna use the short forms :P )

    Just a check - Make sure all of you have checked your weight and measurements before starting yesterday, If not do it today and we will check it after every successful level completion (every 10 days) to see the results.

    Have a great day people and rock your world !!

    See ya around ( in better shape)
    Harleen :wink:
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I started today while I was baking a chocolate cake :)
    I thought it was nice and quick and liked that the ab exercises were spread out and different from each other.
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    And my L1D1 is done - Must say - Its not easy on D1 but as I was approaching the end part I could do it along with them.
    Basically i followed Anita on the beginner level - I don't wanna be over enthusiastic following Natalie. :)

    Did my cardio also (Treadmill) but only 30 mins today - Its been raining and getting very cold - making it harder for me to get out of the house and hit the gym :p

    So all you who finished today's workout do post abt how you felt.

    See ya around.
  • atomicsky
    atomicsky Posts: 1 Member
    HI, I just bought it and plan to start it today. I'm going to take my measurements and stats and pictures. I did a lot of research on it and it's gotten great reviews, I love looking at all the before and after pictures that's what really inspires me! I'm going to incorporate some running at last 3 to 4 times a week.
    Good luck everyone!
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    Hey - How did your Level 2 Day 1 go ? I find L1D1 pretty pushing itself. Hope we all can finish this 30 DS.
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    I need to get the dvd, but I do want to start :(
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    Woahhh - today was that day when you feel "Is all this really worth it ? May be I don't need toe xercise so hard, I can just control my food and so what if it takes more time to lose that weight - I eventually will." And trust me the 1st snow of the season made stick to my house and I didn't hit the gym for cardio.

    But just because I had started this topic here and have company of all of you doing it with me, I pushed myself to do the JM 30 DS L1D2 and I am glad that I have company. You might be thinking we all don't even know each other;s names or anything abt each other but today you all have been my support and motivation to get my lazy *kitten* off the couch and do the JM workout. And I feel very very very happy after the workout even with my soar legs n muscles all over my body are cursing me for making them so fat :p

    Cheers to all who joined me in this and made me do it today.

    Have a great evening
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    Ok people - Am done with L1D3 and also 45 mins of cardio. Feels better. Sweating at 30 degrees :p
    Anyone else has been doing it ? Post your comments
  • hlor0729
    hlor0729 Posts: 13 Member
    I know that feeling so well, and I feel like giving up already and I'm only on day 4; however, I have to constantly remind myself that I must motivate myself and be the change I want to see, and it will be worth it in the end. Anyways, good luck with your workout. :)
  • Little late on the reply here ... I will start today! I did it here and there but didnt stick to it ... wish me luck! Will also do some more cardio :smile:
  • Little late on the reply here ... I will start today! I did it here and there but didnt stick to it ... wish me luck! Will also do some more cardio :smile: