JUICING (Fat Sick and Nearly Dead Inspired)



  • quite a few years ago I did a 10 day cleanse. I did juices (make sure lots of greens) and other foods such as pureed avocado with cucumber. I made soups and pureed it as well. by doing that I felt fuller longer because you were getting some fiber. Get creative with what you juice and minimize beet and carrot as they have a lot of sugar in them. Celery, cucumber and any type of green is your basic starting point.

    Good Luck.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Update for anyone interested in juicing!

    I was not able to do the Juice only, but I have religiously added juicing to my diet daily. I havent been drinking coffee and I've been drinking about 3-4 juices a day and nuts daily. Then I'll usually eat a regular dinner. While I have only seen a loss when I actually added some exercise, I feel healthier already (Its been 2 full weeks of adding juices). I have more energy without a doubt.

    My plan is to continue juicing and just a snack of nuts during the day and then a regular dinner and include a workout routine. I am confident that this is a workable approach.

    Good luck to anyone else trying to add juicing to their lives.
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Oddly enough I accidentally received this movie from Netflix... so I watched it this weekend. Wow... unreal the changes those two men made. I actually cried for a moment when I saw Phil running in the snow! :wink: So happy for him.

    Its been a few years since I owned a juicer, but I loved it. I had the Jack Lalaine juicer. Yes, you have to clean it right away... but its still easier than cleaning up after cooking a meal for yourself! My husband is on his way home right now with a juicer for me! Yay! Lets hear it for great husbands who "get it!" I don't have all the recipes and I don't yet have a plan, but I remember how amazing fresh juice is (not at all like packaged juice) and I agree with another member who said you can feel heath coursing through your body! One tip is to add lemon or lime to counteract the bitterness of the dark greens. Good luck with the juicing!

  • Juicing is awesome! I don't do the detoxing, just for meal replacement. iN THE AM IF YOU GO FOR A MEAN GREEN, YOU WILL FEEL ABSOLUTELY AMAZING THE ENTIRE DAY!
  • This Jucing things sounds Frightening and exciting at the same time. I'm definitely eager to research more about it. I'm also gonna have to see this Fat Sick & Nearly Dead, thing ya'll are talking about.
  • I have watched it a few times and have found it online for purchase. It has extra footage. I can't wait to see it.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    What's a reboot?
  • Watch "FAT, SICK AND NEARLY DEAD" or visit jointhereboot.com
    But in short it is a healing juice fast
  • The results on an obese person can be similar to gastric bypass. But it is done for health not simply weight-loss.
    For example; In October, my blood sugar was around 200, Chest pains were a part of most days, My feet were hurting so badly that a long walk was out of the question. I have not been able to run for years.

    My blood sugar is around 100 Chest pains have been gone for about 3 weeks My feet don't hurt as badly and I am looking forward to the day i can run!
  • I watched this movie a week ago too and today was day one for me as i got blood work down and what not before hand ! my family doctor said i need to stop eating anything animal so like eggs, cheese, meats , ect.. as my cholesterol is really high.. So my day one went awesome but I need to find some new recipes for juicing.. I use a blender instead of juicer.
  • I watched the same video and ran out an bought a juicer. My whole family loves it but we are much like the others on here, in that we did it well for about a week then now it isn't as consistent just due to the clean up and time required. But we keep trying, I love that my kids like to drink this juice and they even like the juices with veggies. I still think it is a great idea and probably the best way to supplement a healthy diet.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I might be missing something really obvious, but can I ask what the big benefit is of juicing? This is a genuine question, I would just think that if I had a big pile of fruit and veggies in front of me I would get a lot more benefit from just eating them than putting them in a juicer.

    I can understand that you can pack a lot of different things into a single glass with juicing but surely you dont get the same satiety of eating whole foods. Is the primary idea to supplement a mineral deficient diet for those that cant stomach eating real veggies?

    Could someone please enlighten me on this one? I've just never really understood the juicing craze. :/

  • So I am on week two of the juicer(blender) fasting.. Ive decided to only do half and half, so i have the drinks in morning and afternoon with one with supper. At dinner i will have a large salad with about half the meat size i used too. I have lost about 5lbs now as i gained two pounds back last weekend when I was having lack of sleep with my daughter as i was so tired and had junk food plus pizza on saturday night, so I was at 7.2 lbs lost ( in 5 days) until my melt down ! When I am tired i crave fatty foods like pizza but I am back to it now and feel way better and more regular ! will update next week.

    here is the blender type drink I am doing :

    -Minute maid frozen orange juice about 2 cups (sometimes i use one water and one orange juice)
    -mixed frozen fruits with extra blueberries
    -about 2 cups of baby spinach
    -about 8 baby carrots

    ** For salads i use mixed greens and add multi-grain coutons With Kraft zesty Italian dressing
    ** And during the day I will snack on unsalted nuts and carrots plus other raw veggies.

    If i am hungry I will have two cups of the drink and that usually does the job! my doctor said I should be having no more then 1400 calories a day so i still keep around 1300 calories in totally..
  • I might be missing something really obvious, but can I ask what the big benefit is of juicing? This is a genuine question, I would just think that if I had a big pile of fruit and veggies in front of me I would get a lot more benefit from just eating them than putting them in a juicer.

    I can understand that you can pack a lot of different things into a single glass with juicing but surely you dont get the same satiety of eating whole foods. Is the primary idea to supplement a mineral deficient diet for those that cant stomach eating real veggies?

    Could someone please enlighten me on this one? I've just never really understood the juicing craze. :/


    Maybe look at
    they might be able to answer your questions .

    Im doing the juicer fasting as you can add way more fruits and veggies into one drink then you can actually eat at one sitting before getting full
  • GreyhoundGuru
    GreyhoundGuru Posts: 91 Member
    I LOVE my juicer. I got it this summer, and have used it quite a bit.
    I tried the full on "Juice Fast" but couldn't do it. But I will tell you that it gave me a TON of energy.

    I plan on using it again later this week to supplement my diet. I'll just have to figure out how many calories per glass :-)

    I bought the Breville Juice Fountain Plus

    (I got mine from Bed Bath and Beyond, though, so I could use my 20% off coupon).

    This is an awesome juicer and comes with the pitcher that separates the foam. Really love it.

    It even takes a whole apple, so you don't have to slice it up first.
    Plus - regardless of the leafy greens I use (kale, spinach, etc), as long as I add just a little fruit, the taste is really good.
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