I eat so healthy for breakfast and lunch and then in the aft

In my food diary i think some of you may have noticed that for half the day i log everything i eat and i do so well... then in the afternoon i start eating like 1000 calories at once!!!! Then i delete my whole food diary and say to myself... "IM STARTING TOMORROW" then the same thing goes on !!!!



The fried chicken my mum cooks
plenty of rice
3 slices of toast
3 slices of cheese
a cup of milo
2 cups of water
some cereal out of the box




  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Plan ahead and eat only what you plan. Do this for several weeks straight.
  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    I wish I could help you, but I'm going through the exact same thing and it has caused me to gain 10 pounds in a little over a month. We have to stop!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,565 Member
    For some people it helps to eat up to 6 times a day.
    The most important part is getting the proper carbs to maintain insulin levels throughout the day and having protein protein protein!

    For a great source of info on how to manage the micro/macroneutrients goto bodybuilding.com forum and search under Loosing weight.
    Those guys really got me in shape and they made it easy.

    Please please please know what your maint calories per day are and work from that.
    The important thing is that you eat enough food to give you energy throughout the day!
    Send me a PM if you need any support!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Plan ahead and eat only what you plan. Do this for several weeks straight.

    This. It's really that easy.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Plan ahead and eat what you plan.

    IF you end up going over keep it logged so you can see it, it may hurt and you may be embarassed but you will remember the feeling in the future.
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    I visualize my goal and look at my choices then eat the one that will help me get toward that goal (..well the one I'd still enjoy.. not eating lima beans all day ) .. That and planning ahead as much as I can..
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I wouldn't try to cut all of it but slowly sub one at a time for something better. Starting today

    I'd targed that fried chicken. I bet that's the single worst calorie contributor on that list.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    I'd say...don't delete it. If you are anything like me I NEED to see where I got off track and if you delete it, your able to fool yourself into thinking you weren't responsible for the derailment. At least that's how *I* view it. Somedays it isn't pretty.

    Now for the food you listed. How much chicken? Are you eating the skin too? Why 3 slices of cheese and bread? Maybe just try to get handle on your portions, then work on your food choices, then add lots of water in between those meals. And cut yourself some slack. One bad meal does not have to turn into a whole day of bad choices, even when the meal comes at the end of the day. Are you bored? Did you exercise? If not, why not?

    That's all I have, except don't give up on yourself. Set daily goals if you have to and THINK before you shove something into your mouth, are you really hungry, bored, angry...how about if I have some water first, still want it, then maybe take a bite.

    Good luck.
  • kantone999
    I used to do the same thing--good all day then snarfed up everything in sight at night--especially carbs--easily 600-800 calories. What finally did the trick for me was dropping white sugar and white flour products. I switched to high-fiber complex carbs, sweetened only with honey or agave nectar and the evening gobbles stopped. By the way, it took about a week to get out of the munch habit. Feel free to add me as a friend then you can see my food diary. It might work for you too. Good luck!
  • healthy4self
    I've started incorporating little indulgences during the day instead of reserving them only for night time. It's really helped me a ton. And, I eat a ton of Greek yogurt. It's my go-to snack in the evenings.
  • cbu23
    cbu23 Posts: 280 Member
    Don't delete anything! If anything use the days that you go over as your motivation to do better the next day. Planning for sure helps.
  • hellen72
    hellen72 Posts: 144 Member
    I have similar sort of thing. I can be good all day at work then get home and think that because I have been good I can have a few little treats then I can't stop
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    In my food diary i think some of you may have noticed that for half the day i log everything i eat and i do so well... then in the afternoon i start eating like 1000 calories at once!!!! Then i delete my whole food diary and say to myself... "IM STARTING TOMORROW" then the same thing goes on !!!!



    The fried chicken my mum cooks
    plenty of rice
    3 slices of toast
    3 slices of cheese
    a cup of milo
    2 cups of water
    some cereal out of the box

    AND MORE!!!


    Get some self discipline & determination.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Don't delete anything! If anything use the days that you go over as your motivation to do better the next day. Planning for sure helps.

    She has to change something. She posted that list as a typical afternoon. Every day.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Ask your mom to make your chicken without the breading and bake it. Make sure your bread is low carb, cheese non processed low fat. Buy cereal with lowest sugar. Make egg white omelets with some veggies ( spinach, onions, peppers, tomatoes) very low cal. Try to eat more protein it keeps you full longer.
  • jenng38
    jenng38 Posts: 105
    So much great advice here! Helloitsdan is onto something with eating 6 times instead of the usual 3. It also sounds to me like you might be carb sensitive. What you are eating early in the day might be leading to cravings and hunger in the afternoon. I schedule mini meals every 2 or 21/2 hours and I have lean protein at every sitting. I am not saying carbs are evil, but I had to get all of the white processed carbs out of my diet and I got my hunger and cravings under control. Also, I think it is a mistake to delete your diary. Honesty and accountability is key for success in your journey. Feel free to add me and send me a message if you need extra support! Good luck.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    You need to log everything... and I mean EVERYTHING you eat for at least 2 weeks.

    Don't even think about dieting or cutting down... but in the notes, describe your feelings about what you are eating, when and why. Write a blog about it. Only when you understand your eating habits better will you be in a position to formulate a plan that you can stick to.

    Also, you've got to want to lose weight... and I mean really want it.

    And start small... set a goal for Christmas.... then maybe another from New Year until Easter?

    You don't have to lose it all at once... slow and steady is better in the long run.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • sunnysoulsf
    Don't delete it! And don't make any judgement about it. Keeping a food diary is the most effective tool you have at your disposal to help with your journey. Good luck!
  • daunna1013
    Once you screw up you cant just say " well ill start tomorrow " thats a pit fall, i used to do it to myself all the time. You eat something you shouldnt have, stop, tell you self its ok, it doesnt mess up your entire day (not enough to justify a binge anyway!). Just remind youself to do better tomorrow, not start over! :) What ive found most helpful honestly is i pretty much eat the same thing every day. It changes a little but once i found something that met my caloric needs, the less time i spent in the kitchen thinking about what i could eat, the better!
  • potterjg
    Evenings are my week time as well. It's mostly out of boredom and feeling like I have deprived myself all day. So what I try to do is exercise in the evening. Harder to sabotage myself when I feel good about working out. I also allow myself something that I love during the day but in very small quantity until I get through those rough days. Like today I had one TBS of peanut butter. Tomorrow it might be a snack size hershey's bar.

    I have been off track for awhile but know what I have to do to get back where I need to be. It helps if I think of weight lose as a marathon not a sprint. Meaning one day you might stumble but everything you do or do not put in your mouth counts. Don't beat yourself up and keep at it.