
So i was jogging today with a friend i need to know what to calculate my jogging as how do i know how fast i was going i jogged for about 90 minutes


  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Do you know how far you went?
  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    If you ran out side you could find out how many miles you went and then figure out you minutes per mile. Usually a 10min mile is like 6mph.
  • Jconner30
    First, use to map out your path. Carry a stop watch to log your time. When you get home, put your time into mapmyrun's website and it will tell you how fast you ran and log all your time and distances for the month as well as calories burned. I use it a lot!
  • JRhinoC
    Time/distance = speed


    Get a GPS of some type that tracks that. HRMs, pedometers, and smartphone apps are the most common.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yeah, there is a website "map my run" and you can map out where you ran and it will tell you how far you went in those 90 minutes. And for next time, if you have a smart phone, the nike ap has a GPS so you can just hit "start workout" and it tracks you, when you hit "end workout" it tells you how far, how fast, and it keeps track.
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    Get a polar ..It's perfect :)
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    If you don't know the distance, you can go to and plot your run. That will give you distance. has a pace calculator.
  • Brisin87
    thanks you all
  • urbanmasala
    urbanmasala Posts: 95 Member
    If you have a smartphone (i.e., iPhone, Android or Windows) you can track all your stats easily and for FREE using the RunKeeper phone app. They make an app for each phone that tracks all your stats (distance, duration, avg pace, avg speed, calories burned) automatically using the phone's GPS and the app is really quick and easy to use. It even talks to you (use earphones), letting you know how long and how far you've run every 5 minutes or however often you set it to tell you. It can also track walking and cycling using the GPS and you can log the distance and duration for other exercises (swimming, skating, treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, etc.) manually and it will calculate the other stats for you.

    It automatically syncs your online account (which is also FREE) and your phone app each time you open the app or log on to your account. This app is awesome and I recommend it to anyone who is serious about tracking their workouts or training for events.

    You can check out the apps here:

    To see an example of the tracking, you can view my activities here:

    Hope this helps. ;-)

    Lynne J.