T.H.E. Team (trying hard everyday) November '11



  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    So, did we all survive another weekend? :bigsmile: :grumble: :noway:

    We've made it through one holiday - but November begins the true Holiday Season.
    Regardless of your race and religion, most people will be at parties with a LOT of temptation. For those of us who are just beginning this journey, this could be potentially devastating to your efforts.
    So here's some tips for how to make it through Thanksgiving and Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanzaa/Festivus (whatever you celebrate) season.

    BYOF: I think Bring Your Own Food is the first key tip. Not only is it super polite to bring food to a party or dinner, but then you will know exactly what's in it. You can make something that you both love, and is also healthier for you.
    SMALLER PLATE, SMALLER SERVINGS: I use a salad or dessert plate (but not both) to put my food on. Then I do NOT build Mt. Everest on my plate & only make 1 trip to the food table.
    EVERYTHING IN MODERATION: Weight loss is a lifestyle change. So, there's no way in HELL I'm going to give up dessert on Christmas. Or anything, for that matter. I think we're all entitled to cheat a little on our calorie defecits, as long as a habit is not made out of it. But, still, try to think of these occasions as times for "Sampling" rather than eating. Don't take a FULL PORTION but have a little spoonful. Have a small piece of cake and skip eating the extra icing, etc.
    EAT MORE OF WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU: Try to watch the ratios on your plate. For instance, have a small portion of pasta and a large helping of vegetables. Balance is key.
    BEWARE OF THE ESTIMATIONS: For those of us lucky enough to have Smart Phones, tracking what you eat is a lot easier. But if you don't - try to remember the foods that may seem ok but might be packing on unwanted calories (like Gravy, soup, etc.) Be careful! If you don't have a calorie counter with you, try to overestimate in your head what calories certain items might have..
    EXERCISE!!: You shouldn't make a habit of exercising for tons of more food, but for a day with lots of good eats, you should always try to get in a good workout. You might be able to remove some (or all!) of the guilt by exercising. Burrrrn baby burn!

    All in all, the holidays are a time for family friends and fun. So much of our social interactions involve food, and the toughest thing is learning how to live our lives with food in a more healthy way. If we persist and continue to grow and be educated, things can only get better. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

    SW: 253
    CW: 253
    GW: 160 or so
  • listedchick
    Hi all,
    I have just joined and am hopeful of losing 13kg.
    I need all the support I can get.
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm in. A little about me. I am trying to lose weight and so far not doing too bad. I am eating "clean" And I do food combining. I do not mix certain foods. I have some digestive issues and this has really helped me.

    SW: 243
    CW: 240
    Mini Goal: 235 (this will change with every 5 lbs I lose)
    Ultimate goal weight: 160ish (when i get into a size 10/12, that is what my goal weight is.

    I also have some health issues. I have fibromyalgia, a balance disorder, arthritis, and I am nursing a hurt knee. Soooo... I am really trying hard to lose some weight because my feet hurt all the time, and it certainly is not helping my fibro. Plus my self esteem is in the toilet at the moment. blah blah blah no, thanks. I do not want cheese with my whine:) haha

    so, thanks for having me! Looking forward to having a great support system. Please feel free to friend me;)

  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    @hawian where did you get that body simulator thing? I want one!

  • teddyann
    teddyann Posts: 60 Member
    Good morning and thanks for the invite! Have to get ready for work but will be back later to read more and introduce myself.
    Everyone have a great day!
  • Rheatheylia
    Rheatheylia Posts: 53 Member
    Hello all! I received an invite and would love to join, the more we support each other the better the journey will be :)

    A little (lot) about be:
    I've been thin but horribly unfit and unhealthy my entire life, but recently I've started to put on the pounds (in addition to still being un-fit and flabby.) I was so used to being able to eat almost anything I wanted and barely gain. My eating habits and exercise habits have been getting progressively worse, and that leads me to where I am now.

    None of my clothes fit, well, only the elastic waisted ones do, and those leave me with wicked muffin top. My main focus here is going to be fitness. I've never ever been fit, I hardly ever move, I'm sick all the time, and the one thing that's recommended for every medical condition I have (and the only thing I don't do for them) is exercise. Plus my eating habits are horrible, I'm a carboholic who usually gets no where near enough protein or fiber (and way too much fat and carbs). I've been trying to eat better, and have really been enjoying it!

    So here I am, ready to support and be supported as we all try hard to be more fit and healthy people!

    SW: 149.8
    CW: 144.8
    GW: 125 (or wherever my clothes fit and I feel best)
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    Hi all, my name is Lesley. I am 28 and have been overweight all my life.The smallest weight I remember being is 232. I am an emotional eater and I fight this everyday. Being from the south food is fried, it is carbs all day, and I have gotta stop this NOW or I am gonna die an early age. I have started and stopped this "diet" thing many many times.What slapped me in the face was, this past week my girlfriends and I went to AZ for a Nashville Predators game, we love our team. During the game we were fans of the game and one of the hockey news websites took pics of us. I looked like I was smothering. Tiny head, muffin top, barely fit into the seat, it was disgusting to be honest.

    Now I know I am not always gonna eat perfect, I know I am not always gonna be able to go to the gym, I know many factors are going to hinder my weight loss. But I am going to give it my all. That is all I can do. I love sweating, I love exercising, but I have many issues with food. I LOVE TO EAT lol. Now I just gotta eat healthier things. I have started with eating breakfast and cooking it myself. I have started planning meals so that I can alot time for cooking.. I am making steps slowly. I have made mini goals for November. But a little longer term weight loss goals are as follows:

    SW on 11/1/11 297
    CW 297
    GW by April 230
    Ultimate Goal Weight 140 by my 30th Birthday in Sept 2013
  • KariNich85
    Well, after a weekend of being out of town and dealing with TOM, I'm back to my SW this morning. Still have the week goal of drinking all my water... some days I do awesome, some days I do horribly.. let's see what this week will be!

    SW: 206.5
    CW: 207
    GW: 150
  • Bexidecimal
    hello everyone =] just got a lovely email asking me to join in! so i am ^.^

    My name is Bex, i'm 19 years old and have been struggling with my weight my entire life. always *****ed about my weight and how i hated how i look, for one reason or another i never did anything about it. That is going to change! right now!

    i am going to reach my goal weight, i am incredibly determined!
    i'm not under any delusion it's going to happen over night but i am ready determined and willing to do everything (healthy) it takes to get there

    my current weight is 87 kg which i think is 192 pounds
    i want to reach 63 kg a.k.a 140 pounds
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I hope everyone had a great weekend! I spent Saturday just relaxing with my husband and daughter.

    SW: 377 lbs
    GW: 185 lbs
    CW:307.8 down 4.2 lbs from last week! Finally broke the 3 week plateau.

    My goals for this week:

    Keep up with the water. My goal is 150 oz. but most days I get about 120 oz.
    Do Hula 2x's
    Walk 2x's

    My next weight goal is to get under 300 lbs.
  • moeswifeyangela
    Hi everyone! I got the invite too, so here I am. lol I am new to the site altogether and am still trying to figure out where everything is and what all the abbreviations mean and how to get my ticker where it needs to be. BUT, I am so excited and grateful to be here with you all.

    Ok... since I am not sure of the abbreviations, I will jsut type it out for now.

    My starting weight was 333.
    My goal weight is 190 (eventually)
    My current weight is 325 (we think the big jump in weight has to do in part with the fact that I was weighing myself on my hubby's work scale ... the kind you weight HUGE heavy packages on...then I got a new scale. LOL)
    My first goal is 310 by Christmas.

    So...here goes... :smile:
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I'm up 4lbs from a horrible weekend. Hopefully I can get it off quickly!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Okay so this is everyone who's weighed in today, this is how we used to do it

    AshDHart - sw:377 cw:307.8 - Loss 4.2lbs....yay
    moeswifeyangela -sw:333 cw:325 - Loss 8lbs ...woot woot
    shannon_2003 - Up 4lbs
    Painten - sw:301 cw:266 - Up 1lb

    Just adding ours to the bottom of the list. Great weigh to see everyone's losses. And er a couple of gains...oops. If i missed anyone i'm sorry. 2 good losses there. Well done ladies. I'm so going to be looking at you for motivation.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Thank you Painten - I forgot about that part.:embarassed: I will try to do better next week.

    I knew I shouldn't have stepped on the scale today, because I went up 4 pounds. :sad: It must have been all our son's girlfriend's baking. I just can't say no to a good chocolate chip cookie & hers are great!!!! Not to mention the unbaked cookie dough which I know it's bad for me, but it tastes so good. That's probably why I am a member of MFP, because things that were bad for me always taste so good!!!!:ohwell:
    So hopefully by the next weigh-in I will have off the 4 pounds that I gained & maybe more if I really bust my butt.

    SW: 253
    CW: 257
    GW: 160 or so
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    oh, we are suppose to weigh in on Mondays right? I weighed it at 239.8 today! could it be good bye 240s? dun dun dun! I don't dare say it... will know more on Thursday which is my official weigh in day:) (for myself) but dont mind weighing myself twice a week. it will keep me going in the right direction
  • mwoneis
    oh, we are suppose to weigh in on Mondays right? I weighed it at 239.8 today! could it be good bye 240s? dun dun dun! I don't dare say it... will know more on Thursday which is my official weigh in day:) (for myself) but dont mind weighing myself twice a week. it will keep me going in the right direction

    WTG!!! I can't wait to be out of the 240's myself :bigsmile:
  • mwoneis
    Thank you Painten - I forgot about that part.:embarassed: I will try to do better next week.

    I knew I shouldn't have stepped on the scale today, because I went up 4 pounds. :sad: It must have been all our son's girlfriend's baking. I just can't say no to a good chocolate chip cookie & hers are great!!!! Not to mention the unbaked cookie dough which I know it's bad for me, but it tastes so good. That's probably why I am a member of MFP, because things that were bad for me always taste so good!!!!:ohwell:
    So hopefully by the next weigh-in I will have off the 4 pounds that I gained & maybe more if I really bust my butt.

    SW: 253
    CW: 257
    GW: 160 or so

    Ugh, baking season is the worst! My son LOVES to bake with his Grandpa so everytime we go over there I'm doomed! Although they baked last night and I resisted the temptation!! Good Luck this week :flowerforyou:
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Okay so this is everyone who's weighed in today, this is how we used to do it

    AshDHart - sw:377 cw:307.8 - Loss 4.2lbs....yay
    moeswifeyangela -sw:333 cw:325 - Loss 8lbs ...woot woot
    shannon_2003 - Up 4lbs
    Painten - sw:301 cw:266 - Up 1lb

    Just adding ours to the bottom of the list. Great weigh to see everyone's losses. And er a couple of gains...oops. If i missed anyone i'm sorry. 2 good losses there. Well done ladies. I'm so going to be looking at you for motivation.

    Woot woot is right for moeswifeyangela! Great loss there! For those that didn't lose this week just hang tight, drink lots of water, and try for some exercise. Even though I loss I'm reminding myself to do those.
  • mwoneis
    I'm checking in with 2 lbs lost since Thursday when I started MFP! I'm so excited with the progress :smile:

    My goal this week is to get my fat intake more under control as that seems to be my big issue when reviewing my diary. Going to take the suggestion of using low fat ranch for dressing. Any other ideas? :ohwell:
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    I am concerned with where my progress will go. It seems like no matter what I am ALWAYS Under calories. its because I just eat natural foods (well, most of the time) Its hard to get 1200-1400 calories in every day.

    I eat enough. I'm just hoping it gets easier and my weight don't plateau soon.

    Can't wait to see what the scale says Thursday and to see if the 239 was right!
