My first day

just getting started in fact it is my first day. Tried many, many diets. Have some issues with my legs and hips, but hopefully can try to walk at least 30 min. A day. Love to hear about others, what they eat and how they have been able to lose some weight using this plan.


  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    Welcome! I love this site, and i"m sure you will too. No matter how much I might stray, I always find my way back to MFP.


    I've been able to lose 18 pounds by keeping track of my calories and increasing exercise. For me, the key is HONESTY. If I eat an oreo, I log the oreo! If I eat a few peanuts, I may not log them, but I'll make a note in my diary.
    I'm young and don't have any health issues so exercise is not a big road block for me, which has helped in my weight loss. BUT I find that on days that I don't have the effort to go for a run, if I chose to walk instead, log it, and be honest about the speed and time, then I still do just fine!

    You'll do great :happy:
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    Good luck!

    A few words of advice that worked for me.

    1) Log everything you eat, at least for a while. You'll be amazed at the results of seeing your food listed like this motivated you.
    2) Make some like minded friends, and chat with them. Keeps you accountable, and keeps you coming back.
    3) Move. Exercise. Walk. Do some weights. Whatever, and for however long you can, add some exercise to your routine.

    Sounds like you are on the right track. Good luck!
  • I just joined this weekend and am already really feeling great just having some control. It feels very satisfying to enter my foods and exercise. And if you screw up, you just start over again the next day. Good luck!
  • DiggNationFan
    DiggNationFan Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck, welcome to the site :). This is a friendly place, so if you have any questions just ask, or take a look at some of the topics floating about.

    Apart from the forum, this site is a really good diet tool - if you try to track everything that you eat, then you become aware of how much you eat and you will see that it is pretty easy to begin cutting back on some foods, or switching in some foods in exchange for others. After a while you can become less strict with the tracking, I'm a bit OTT with mine :p, but it has really worked.
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    You'll be amazed how easy it is to get used to tracking calories and/or exercise. And this is your plan and your program so you can design it however you choose.

    I'm allotted 1340 cals a day, and I track the walking I do around campus (I'm in college and I work here too) which gives me a little more to work with. I eat four to five small meals a day and I'm never starving.

    I always leave myself a handful of calories for late night snacking because without instant gratification I would accomplish nothing. :laugh:

    I also have small rewards set up that I will give myself when I reach small incremental goals along my journey.

    Good luck on your path. You're headed in the right direction. :smile:
  • Cheryldock
    Cheryldock Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for support. The holidays have been hard but I plan on getting serious again in January.
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 723 Member

    Welcome and congratulations on being here. Like others have said, one of the most important things you can do as you get started is to log everything you eat. See how many calories and types of foods you are eating.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Welcome. I agree with everyone stating the importance of logging food in... We can learn from our mistakes that way, as well as put them in perspective and see that our mistakes don't necessarily amount to failures.
    Good luck to you!
  • Hi just joined up as well ,not much to lose....but sometimes just as hard....I can't seem to load my ticker into the forum posts. Any ideas?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Guess I just figured it out!
  • Guess not! Lol I just pasted it last time...Do you need to do that every time? I thought bit would automatically be there when you posted???
  • Guess not! Lol I just pasted it last time...Do you need to do that every time? I thought bit would automatically be there when you posted???
  • After spending the Christmas weekend being totally humiliated by my mother in law about my weight, I am really going to try at this. I don't ever want her to have reason to do that again! Because of my weight, she decided that for Christmas dinner we would have whitefish and rice. My son died in April of 2010 and I put on 40 pounds. Then I was shocked to learn I was pregnant in January of 2011 and had my baby in August. Of course I put on more weight with my pregnancy. I'm 5'2" and weigh 183. I want to be smaller for myself. I'm not doing this for my mother in law but I don't want to face her like this again.
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    Welcome to the site! Good luck :)
  • Hi there, today is my first day also feel free to add me for support
  • Hi just joined up as well ,not much to lose....but sometimes just as hard....I can't seem to load my ticker into the forum posts. Any ideas?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Hi Debzzzz,

    go into message boards and it will say setting, go into settings and tick the box to allow your ticker to show
  • I started almost a year ago and never looked back. I have meet new friends and love the results from everything that I have done. It hasnt been easy but I did it. You have to log your food and EXERCISE is one of the main things to get it off and keep it off.. The scale is another thing that we deal with so make sure you do measurements VERY IMPORTANT. You will lose inches as well as weight.

    Good luck to you..

  • Hey Suzie - my sort of first day too! I have been a member for a few months but Christmas and birthday got in the way. I have serious knee issues - so if I can lose about 10 stone (in my dreams, but will give it a go one stone at a time...) I should be in less pain and benefit that way.

    I am shocked at how much fat is in margarine/butter so THAT IS GOING straight away hee hee. I am lucky enough to have Orlistat from the doc so will start that next week when the new year festivities are over.

    Keep in touch and GOOD LUCK!
    Lynette (aka Scorpiowinkle)