sleep apnea

So i am pretty sure i suffer from sleep apnea, tomorrow I go for a speep study so they can diagnose me and hopefully start treatment. Just thought I would ask if there is anyone on here who also suffers from it? do you wear the sleep mask or does anyone have the dental appliance that is supposed to help, what is better, how does it work,


  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    I know I've got the same problem, but I've never done anything to fix it. My wife has noticed somewhat frequently that i'll just stop breathing for 30 seconds and then gasp as I arch my back to get air in my lungs. Mind you, i'm not conscious for any of this so I never knew I had a problem or for how long.
  • Yes...I've been recently diagnosed and I use the cpap (continuous positive air pressure) machine nightly. As for the dental appliance, I think it's more of your personal preference and if you have $800 upfront to pay...with the machine, you pay about $280 - depending on your insurance coverage. I hope all goes well with the study...:flowerforyou:
  • I work with sleep apnea patients, the company i work for supplies cpap/bipap/vpap/auto machines and all the equipment that goes along with it. I've never heard of any dental appliances that can help with sleep apnea, there are some that help with snoring but sleep apnea is a whole different story. Most of our patiens who are nose breathers really like nasal pillows b'c they aren't so bulky and don't take up your whole face and etc. And when you start on your machine (if you have to use one) you'll be the happiest person alive! You'll SLEEP and SLEEP GOOD and you wont be falling asleep or feeling like you all day!! You'll feel 10 years younger, your skin and hair will look better, and in some cases it helps with weight loss b'c you will have so much more energy to do things.. Sleep studies when you fear something is wrong with your sleeping are an amazing thing. There could be something else wrong completely, a sleep study can tell you pretty much anything that is going on in your sleep that you dont know is happening.
  • I know I've got the same problem, but I've never done anything to fix it. My wife has noticed somewhat frequently that i'll just stop breathing for 30 seconds and then gasp as I arch my back to get air in my lungs. Mind you, i'm not conscious for any of this so I never knew I had a problem or for how long.

    THIS IS NOT GOOD!! GO TO A DOCTOR YOU COULD DIE!! omg! it scares me sooo bad b'c i've seen soooo many of our patients go thru this.. and once they get on a cpap/bipap you will feel SOOOOO much better!!! AHHHH
  • I know I've got the same problem, but I've never done anything to fix it. My wife has noticed somewhat frequently that i'll just stop breathing for 30 seconds and then gasp as I arch my back to get air in my lungs. Mind you, i'm not conscious for any of this so I never knew I had a problem or for how long.

    If at all possible, I recommend getting the sleep study done...I was gasping for air too. Not having enough sleep causes tiredness, and other health related problems.... so please check into it for your good health and life!
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    I have been using a CPAP machine for my sleep apnea for more than 10 years. I can tell you that it makes a HUGE difference in my quality of sleep.

    I wore a mask that went over my nose until I had my machine replace a month or so ago. This time I got the appliance that does not cover my whole nose, but settles directly against my nostrils. I like it much better. The seal is much better and my wife is not as bothered by the noise of the air leaking from the mask.

    If you have apnea, I wholeheartedly recommend a CPAP. I stuggled with fatigue and other health issues related to poor quality sleep. Plus, my wife did not sleep well because she kept listening to see if I would start breathing again.
  • dashnigma
    dashnigma Posts: 35 Member
    I have sleep apnea. I was diagnosed several years ago. For a year, I was treated solely with a CPAP. Then, I moved, and running the CPAP at the pressure I was required to use caused many side issues I was not happy with. So I went to an ENT in my new area and he pulled my own files and suggested some surgery for my case. [Note, my issue was strictly mechanical, no nervous system issues-just not enough airway]. I had my surgery right after Christmas 2007..I think. It was a tonsillectomy and septoplasty. Since then, I have not been a regular user of my CPAP. In fact, I go for long stretches without using it and my overall health has improved dramatically.

    One thing to note, before the surgery, my new doctor was reviewing my file with me and apparently my previous doctors had been expecting to have to resort to surgery as well. In fact, the surgery they had been anticipating were far more extensive than what I actually had done.
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    I used to have sleep apnea. After losing all of my weight I don't have it anymore and I stopped using my CPAP machine and it's awesome! The CPAP machine did help me sleep A LOT; however, when I would wake up in the morning I would have these indentions on my face from the mask, so I would have to get up early to take it off so that they could start to go away. I also quit smoking and drinking, so both of those things helped out with the apnea.

    I discovered I had it when I woke up in the middle of the night and could not catch my breath. I don't know how long I hadn't been breathing. It's not anything to wait on if anyone suspects they have it. Get checked out.

    Good luck on the sleep study...:smile:
  • linjo66
    linjo66 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi There!!
    I was diagnosed over a year ago. I use an auto cpap with nasal pillows style mask. I LOVE IT!!!
    I don't sleep without it anymore. I tried one night when I was away, and I felt rotten afterwards.
    If you have sleep apnea, then you have got to get a machine.
    My events per night have all but disappeared. I feel more restful, less emotional, and I'm not getting whiplash from my head snapping up or down during a sleep episode at work!!!!
    I cannot express enough how important it is to get tested and to followup up properly regardless of the cost to the wallet. Your life and those around you will be better for it.
    Good luck on your sleep study!!!
  • I have sleep apnea. I was diagnosed several years ago. For a year, I was treated solely with a CPAP. Then, I moved, and running the CPAP at the pressure I was required to use caused many side issues I was not happy with. So I went to an ENT in my new area and he pulled my own files and suggested some surgery for my case. [Note, my issue was strictly mechanical, no nervous system issues-just not enough airway]. I had my surgery right after Christmas 2007..I think. It was a tonsillectomy and septoplasty. Since then, I have not been a regular user of my CPAP. In fact, I go for long stretches without using it and my overall health has improved dramatically.

    One thing to note, before the surgery, my new doctor was reviewing my file with me and apparently my previous doctors had been expecting to have to resort to surgery as well. In fact, the surgery they had been anticipating were far more extensive than what I actually had done.

    that surgery is amazing..
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    I was diagnosed two years ago through a sleep study. I was totally shocked when they told me that I quit breathing 20 ish times a night and did a lot of flailing around in my sleep. I use a CPAP every night and the other posters are will sleep so much better and feel so much better once you are not waking up gasping for air. Just think about how many "natural causes deaths" could probably be attributed to Sleep Apnea....very sobering.
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    Alright, you've convinced me of the seriousness of the issue. Sounds like I'll be going to get myself tested too. I 'd really like to not die, especially after I've just started to take control of my life again.
  • I have had sleep apnea for over 10 years. Even after losing over 100 pounds, I still have to use CPAP at night. I sleep great! I have tried many nasal masks and I have to say the one I have now is DA'BomB~ It is the Dreamweaver by Circadiance. Honestly, sometimes I rarely know it's there it so comfortable!
  • oaken
    oaken Posts: 35 Member

    Awesome! You sound like you're a go-getter.
  • heart_explodes
    heart_explodes Posts: 48 Member
    I have sleep apnea. I was diagnosed several years ago. For a year, I was treated solely with a CPAP. Then, I moved, and running the CPAP at the pressure I was required to use caused many side issues I was not happy with. So I went to an ENT in my new area and he pulled my own files and suggested some surgery for my case. [Note, my issue was strictly mechanical, no nervous system issues-just not enough airway]. I had my surgery right after Christmas 2007..I think. It was a tonsillectomy and septoplasty. Since then, I have not been a regular user of my CPAP. In fact, I go for long stretches without using it and my overall health has improved dramatically.

    One thing to note, before the surgery, my new doctor was reviewing my file with me and apparently my previous doctors had been expecting to have to resort to surgery as well. In fact, the surgery they had been anticipating were far more extensive than what I actually had done.

    I previously suffered from sleep apnea and had the surgery as well.
    When I was first diagnosed after a sleep study, I was over weight, at about 215lbs. Before I had the surgery I had lost some weight and when I was weighed at my pre-surgery appointment I was about 190lbs. Not a HUGE weight loss but I definitely felt like I was sleeping better even from that. Not having anywhere near as many episdoes etc.

    After my surgery however, OMG! It was so worth it. I never have any problems sleeping and I feel like I have a lot more energy. Before I couldn't be a passenger in a car without falling asleep no matter how short the journey - I can't remember the last time I did that.

    If it's an option for you, I'd definitely recommend it.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    My mom had sleep apnea and almost died in her sleep a few times because she didn't want to get the sleep study done. so to all of you who are "thinking" about getting it done, please go get it done! It could very well save your life and save your loved ones from a lot of stress and sadness!