Just registered for my 1st 5K :)

As my username declares, I plan to run 4 miles on my 40th birthday, which is 3 months away. At the moment, my longest distance is 2.2 miles. So I started thinking that a 5K, at 3.1 miles, would be a good in-between step, and give me a goal that I could train towards that's closer than the birthday 4 mile run.

So I found a 5K on the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend, on running trails in a lovely state park about 30 minutes from my house. It benefits an Alzheimer's foundation, and a pet rescue organization, both of which are causes that I'm happy to support.

This is a pretty big deal for me. Not so long ago, I couldn't run 3 steps, much less 3 miles, and when I tried to start Couch to 5K this past Spring, my knees couldn't take more than 90 seconds of running, and I had to abandon it after 2 weeks, though I promised myself that I would pick it back up again once I had dropped more weight. And I did do the C25K program for a while this Fall, but once I found that I could run a mile without stopping, I stopped doing run/walk intervals and just started increasing my running distance each time I went out. It's been incredible for my self-esteem - I just feel so strong and disciplined when I run. :)

This race is 18 days from now. I plan to run 3 days a week this week and next week, and then 2 days the week of the race, with 2 rest days before. I have the Nike+ app for my iPhone (which uses the GPS to track the exact distance and pace of each run, and maps it - great, great app) and this allows me to be really precise about distances for training. I'm thinking it will look something like this:
This week -
Run 1: 2.4 miles
Run 2: 2 miles
Run 3: 2.6 miles
Next week -
Run 1: 2.7 miles
Run 2: 2 miles
Run 3: 2.9 miles
Race week:
Run 1: 3.0 miles
Run 2: 2 miles
2 rest days
Race day

I think that looks like a good plan... Any feedback is welcome. :)

And by the way, I'm very slow, so I don't really care about my time. I just want to run the whole thing.


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Congrats! That is super awesome.

    Above all else, remember to have fun!
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    Looks like a good plan to me! Good luck to you!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Cant comment on the plan - but wanted to say AWESOME!!!! Congrats and enjoy! Let us know how you go :)
  • midmomike2
    Very exciting, and inspiring! I know you'll do it with that determination! Big congrats on all that you've achieved so far! (especially the HUGE weight loss...incredible!)
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    Congratulations to you! I recently decided to take up running for exercise and I LOVE it. I am going to run my first 5k race in about two weeks. Currently, I am running just over 4 miles, 4 days a week. I never thought I would ever be able to run just one mile! Keep up the good work and good luck at your first race.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    That definitely looks like a great plan! Awesome determination :smile: Keep us posted on how it goes! I'm always glad to see other new runners (I'm finally starting to think of myself as an actual "runner"... I think) taking on big challenges like that!
  • mmissymouse
    mmissymouse Posts: 4 Member
    That is fantastic, good for you. I am wanting to do the same thing. I have been looking for someone in my area to run with. Do you run by yourself or have a partner? I have been running on my treadmill. Not the same as running outdoors.

    Let me know how the 5 K turns out. Add me as a friend. It would be fun hear about your accomplishment. Whooo hooo! Go for it. :happy: