Who is up for a pushup challenge??

My upper body strength sucks and I have come across this www.hundredpushups.com

It's a six week programme and I did the initial test today so will start the programme Thursday (its done 3 times a wee)

Who is keen to do it with me??


  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    I'll check it out, I'm all about pushing myself to new limits. I can't do ONE full pushup! So, I'm thinking this might be exactly what I need
  • JackKsavestheday
    JackKsavestheday Posts: 182 Member
    ok im in!!
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    It's a great program - I started working on push ups with pretty much the same concept as the site has about a year ago. I did 240 tonight - not in a row, but still! I think I still may join you because I'd like to do 100 all at one time! Good luck!
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
  • kabloozi
    kabloozi Posts: 119 Member
    what do we do?
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    I'd love to, but I'm mending after a shoulder surgery. Maybe next time?
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    Sounds fun
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    I am interested . . . for the initial test do you have to be able to go all the way down for it to count?
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Take a look at www.hundredpushups.com

    You do the initial test first which is how many good form ones you can do in a row without stopping - and you can do knee ones if full are too tough. I do full ones but don't touch the floor with my chest - pushups are the one thing that makes me wish I had big boobs lol.

    Then you take your number and go from there. There is a table that tells you how many to do based on your initial test results.

    The site says: "For example: let's say you managed 8 push ups. Looking at the second column, Day 1 begins with Set 1 (6 push ups), a rest period of 60 seconds, before moving on to Set 2 (6 push ups). Rest for 60 seconds and continue with Set 3 (4 push ups) and Set 4 (4 push ups), before finishing with Set 5 and as many consecutive push ups as you can comfortably manage (at least 5, but not so many that you damage muscle tissue). The 60 seconds rest between each level should allow you to complete the workout, but I promise it will get tough towards the end."
  • OlearyGirl
    OlearyGirl Posts: 12 Member
    I have the upper body strenth of a down pillow & I hate it! I am soo down for the challenge!
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I'm in!!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Cool this is going to be great.

    How about we post our intial test results then check in every time we do a "session"

    My initial result was 8 full pushups - I can't touch chest to floor but am at that place where on the knees are not challenging enough. Will do first session Thursday I think.
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    Starting tomorrow. Very excited to see how I look in 6 weeks.
  • anjulie787
    anjulie787 Posts: 24 Member
    I am! it would be awesome to able to do 100 pushups!
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I would love too! But I cannot do a push-up...I can probably do one... MAYBE! I will defiantly keep it in mind though!
  • melbaby925
    Oh jeez - this is on my list of things to accomplish - so...I guess I have to get started sometime! Count me in. <gulp> I'm pretty sure if I get into push up position, I might get stuck there.

    But initial test, here I come.
  • andrewkumala
    I am in!!!!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I can do 100 in under 2 mins, do I qualify to join?
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    I can do 100 in under 2 mins, do I qualify to join?

    You can be our mentor and maybe you can do some modified thing like one armed ones lol
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I am interested . . . for the initial test do you have to be able to go all the way down for it to count?

    What I do is put a small glass on the floor and touch my chin to it. If I can go that far down, I count it. If not, then I stop.

    That's what we did in the academy for my job, anyway. The habit stuck with me.