Need assistance with Cross Training ideas...

So, I have hamstring tendinopathy (yay) and possibly bursitis as well. After 8 weeks of eccentric hamstring training, I have no improvement. My follow up is tomorrow, and I suspect that I'll be taken completely off running altogether.

Where do I go from here? I'm TERRIBLE at biking, and mediocre in the pool. How am I going to continue burning calories and protecting this injury.

Right now, it looks like elliptical and pool are my only options. If you have other ideas, please send them my way. I need some intense cardio for this recovery period.


  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    geez...thanks for all the help, guys
  • KellyShredFit
    KellyShredFit Posts: 6 Member
    You lift, yes? I'd be hitting some serious core and upper body.

    Also, kettle bell swings, plyo push ups, jack push ups, dive bombers (however that gives a big hamstring stretch, so maybe not) , trench crawl (plank on forearms at the bottom of a yoga mat-trench crawl up to the top of a yoga mat - knee to elbow on each side - trench walk back down mat) kettle bell burpees ( not sure if you can squat for those though?) , heavy bag boxing... I don't have a full understanding of your limitations, so bare with me... I have osteoarthritis in my knee, so many times I have to up the intensity with little to no impact.

    I'd really play with all the tools you have. 2 min. interval on the elliptical, with 1 min. plyo push ups, 3 min bike interval, with 1 min, kettlebell swing...and so on. I LOVE my gymboss timer for interval training! ( )

    Good luck! Hope this helped a bit! I feel for ya...It's tough, but this is great time to get creative!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    You lift, yes? I'd be hitting some serious core and upper body.

    Also, kettle bell swings, plyo push ups, jack push ups, dive bombers (however that gives a big hamstring stretch, so maybe not) , trench crawl (plank on forearms at the bottom of a yoga mat-trench crawl up to the top of a yoga mat - knee to elbow on each side - trench walk back down mat) kettle bell burpees ( not sure if you can squat for those though?) , heavy bag boxing... I don't have a full understanding of your limitations, so bare with me... I have osteoarthritis in my knee, so many times I have to up the intensity with little to no impact.

    I'd really play with all the tools you have. 2 min. interval on the elliptical, with 1 min. plyo push ups, 3 min bike interval, with 1 min, kettlebell swing...and so on. I LOVE my gymboss timer for interval training! ( )

    Good luck! Hope this helped a bit! I feel for ya...It's tough, but this is great time to get creative!

    All very good suggestions. I'll have to see if theres an empty studio when I get back into the gym. The layout of my gym is weird, and i'll need space for all that!