Enough is enough :D

My best friend and I finally decided that enough is enough. We are both sick of being over weight and are ready to do something about it. That being said I have the support system behind in order to lose the pounds. What I am wondering from all of you is what are some really good recipes that are low calorie and low carb. I hate fish, but love chicken. Also what are some great exercises that we can do that don't involve us going to a gym or buying super costly equipment. I can't really afford any of it right now, but i need to start doing something. Thanks so much XOXO


  • Andrea_Alexis_1980
    Andrea_Alexis_1980 Posts: 122 Member
    As for exercise .. Walking does great if you have stairs in your house use them go 5 min up and down them .... Get an exercise ball there are very cheap you can always find videos online .. Good luck =)
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Start running, the pounds will drop! And strength train. There are a lot of strength training things you can do without buying any equipment.
  • I would suggest investing in TurboFire or Insanity... I love it! It has done me wonders. 4 days in and I lost 2lbs and 4inches. As for foods, when you buy TurboFire or Insanity, you get a food planner and all the nutritional information you need and you also get a free coach! :) Good Luck :):tongue:
  • Thanks. I can use all the advice anyone is willing to give.
  • Where would you suggest buying it from? Thanks for the advice. I definitely need nutritional help and a great work out plan
  • I'm not great with recipe ideas, I eat a LOT of chicken with different spices and usually with salads or veg. I still eat bread and pasta but have switched to brown as much as possible. As for exercise I don't like to pay to use the gym and I would suggest walking or jogging, the couch to 5k programme is always recommended, I haven't tried it myself but I have complete similar and is definitely worth a go if you are looking for a workout. Running is the only exercise that works for me and I like it as its a constant challenge so I don't get bored. You could also do some DVDs together as they are relatively inexpensive and last a long time.

    Good luck with what ever you decide to do!
  • ellycope
    ellycope Posts: 80 Member
    Search throught the recipe forum on here - there're some great recipes including some lower fat/carb versions of old favourites as well as some new ideas. Don't forget turkey and lean beef are good as well as chicken. You can also reduce the portions of carbs that you have so you still get them just a bit less.

    As for exercise - if you have space in front of your telly (if you can lunge forward then back in the space then you'll be fine!) then get yourself some workout DVDs. Usually you only need some handweights and possibly a chair. If you look at the success stories forum on here you'll see a lot of results posts from people completing the 30 Day Shred from Jillian Michaels or P90(X), Insanity and TurboFire. They're all progressive workouts with levels but equally you can get ones that aren't like that. My favourite when I was starting out was Elle McPherson Body workout. Also, as others have said walking and jogging are excellent forms of exercise. I guess it might depend whether you have nice outdoor space or not!

    Good luck, enjoy!
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Things you can do on your own and together and cheaper than a gym membership/fancy equipement:


    Zumba Class


    Doing a workout dvd
  • nadiB
    nadiB Posts: 283 Member
    Hi, I would suggest trying the 30 Day Shred and walking for Exercise. Lots of great things can be made with Chicken :wink: You can do grilled chicken in salad, sandwiches and wraps. Also chicken breast can be great for stirfry or pasta or as the protien part of a meal with veg and potatoes.......the list goes on and on. You can also get great ideas from this site www.skinnytaste.com
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome, and feel free to send me a friend request :)
  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member
    Im obsessed with fitness dvds. You can get cheap ones on Amazon and it saves any embaressment from being the slightly unfit one out running.