Oh boy ... didn't just fall off the wagon ...

I set the damn thing on FIRE this past weekend.

From Friday .. all the way through yesterday ... I thought nothing of working out or eating right ... i didn't even log in for Saturday and Sunday.

Just a nightmare.

DEF skipping weigh-in this week.

DEF getting to the gym tonight ... have to!!

But i feel so defeated ... i can't believe i gave in so easily and fell quickly into my old, bad habits. I think i may have eaten an entire bag of candy by myself throughout Saturday and Sunday ...


  • kbirky73
    kbirky73 Posts: 110
    I set the damn thing on FIRE this past weekend.

    From Friday .. all the way through yesterday ... I thought nothing of working out or eating right ... i didn't even log in for Saturday and Sunday.

    Just a nightmare.

    DEF skipping weigh-in this week.

    DEF getting to the gym tonight ... have to!!

    But i feel so defeated ... i can't believe i gave in so easily and fell quickly into my old, bad habits. I think i may have eaten an entire bag of candy by myself throughout Saturday and Sunday ...
  • sallyjenn
    sallyjenn Posts: 11 Member
    I agree, I just started too and i completely messed up. I feel defeated also and i hate that feeling. Today is a new day!!!
  • HISjuggalette061808
    i'm right there with you.

    i logged my calories friday and started saturday, but i just didn't get to saturday night's calories.
    nd yesterday...hot damn did i go overboard. Easter dinner in my family is a really big thing and, yet again, i over indulge and i felt huge

    so i'm skipping weigh in too lol.

    but we'll get back on girlie.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • kbirky73
    kbirky73 Posts: 110
    I actually just gave it and tried to remember ...

    From what i can REMEMBER ... From Friday through yesterday ... i ate about 1800 calories OVER what i should have ... That's like a big extra meal each night ...
  • HISjuggalette061808
    yeah i probably ate around there too.

    our easter dinner is a lot of ham, potatoes, baked beans, eggs, etc.
    basically all the crap that's not good for you (except eggs i think).
    so i'm right there with you lol.
  • deamarie
    deamarie Posts: 90
    Ladies!! You are only human! The last thing you need to do now is beat yourself up. I ate peanut butter cups too but I got right back on that spin bike this morning and kicked my butt! Get back on the horse and stop the negative thinking and food guilt. Think about making one good choice at a time!
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    I also over-indulged over 400 calories on Saturday and Sunday. Prior to joining MFP I probably would have continued eating bad, but thanks to all the support on the site and seeing others who have slipped and got back on track, I'm able to start being better again today.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I also over-indulged over 400 calories on Saturday and Sunday. Prior to joining MFP I probably would have continued eating bad, but thanks to all the support on the site and seeing others who have slipped and got back on track, I'm able to start being better again today.

    Im in the same boat!!!! I ate , and ate, and drank beer, im feeling it all today! i didn't log any thing in this weekend but it's a new day so a fresh start over!!!
  • ohrscarlet
    I am so glad that I am not alone. I did not count calories or exercise but I am getting back on track today.
  • crosstitcher0563
    I bought a bag of kettle chips (Honey Dijon) and a bag of chocolate brownie cookies yesterday:noway: . At least I didn't eat all of it! :tongue:

    I lost my motivation.:sad:
  • jersygirl09
    It was a holiday if you'll remember. We probably all over indulged, I'm as guilty as the next person, but the good thing about holidays is, they only happen occasionally. So, get back on the wagon or rebuild it, as the case may be, and get yourself back in gear. We can do this, I did an extra mile on the treadmill along with my regular workout. You don't have to beat yourself up because you had a bad weekend, we probably all did. Just get back at it and don't give up!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    i was bad too:sad: it's a new week though. still trying to get motivated. hang in there...