Bio.....Here we go again!

I am starting again.....2nd time on MFP and probably the 100th time in my life. I am discouraged but excited because I know how thin feels, nervous because I love good food, and desperate because this is about being healthy. The looking good is a bonus but I need to do this. I am 34 years young, have 3 amazing children and a husband I adore. I had a baby and was married by 20! That's when my fat woes started. Up until then I kept myself nice and slim with a nasty eating disorder but when I became a Mom I decided it was better to be fat then live like that!

Long story short, this has been a 14 year struggle. I want to be healthy and happy. I am 5'6 and weigh 214. Over the summer I got down to 195 with MFP but thought I could do it alone and gained almost all of my 30lbs weigh loss back. I am on BP meds and feel sick, tired, and just plain blah all the time. I have lost the same 30lbs punds probably 5 different times. This is hard, really hard but I have to do it again.

So here goes it.....bybybelly! Please add me to your page so we can do this together:)


  • reegordon
    reegordon Posts: 97 Member
    :smile: I never deleted you! You can do this! :wink: :happy:
  • bybybelly
    Thanks.....but if someone did, no ill will here. I was in Fat Land and MIA for a good 3 months.
  • mindy6540
    mindy6540 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel your frustration, I am also struggling!
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    Welcome back. I also have been struggling lately.

    I joined in August, started with great motivation then the stress got to me and I wasn't doing all the things I know I need to do to reach my goal of a healthier me, and of course to be able to buy smallers sizes and feel like I am looking good :wink:

    I stepped on the scales yesterday morning to find I weighed more than I did when I first started, so I have reset my numbers and goals and started all over again yesterday and feeling very motivated....even dusted and re-introduced myself to the treadmill.

    We can do this!!!

    Feel free to friend me
  • Gagurl84
    I know exactly what your talking about with the no energy and just feeling blah!! I am new to this site and need support also. I gained my weight after children and need to get it off. I have never felt so unattractive in my life and also diabetes run in the family so I need to get myself healthy:)
  • Jewcybabe
    Jewcybabe Posts: 241 Member
    Welcome Back.!~
  • stacyjbaker1010
    stacyjbaker1010 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi! Welcome back! My struggle is similar to your's. I am 32. I have four kids: 9, 6, 5 and 5. I work full time. My husband works three part time jobs. I struggle, struggle, struggle. I mindlessly snack at my desk job and then stress eat when I get home in the evening. I'm five feet nothing and weigh just shy of 200 lbs. :( My doctor wants me to have lost 10 lbs by the beginning of January. Small goals are attainable. One meal at a time! :flowerforyou:

  • Wendy2911
    Wendy2911 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Everyone

    I'm back here again on an anonymous profile.
    I started earlier this year with some of my close friends (who are losing weight faster than me) and I thought they would be a good motivator but actually it had the opposite affect as I was eating too much or the wrong thing but then not logging it as I was embarassed for them to see it - totally missing the point of this site! I tried hiding my diary but then got grilled about why etc......

    I really want to try again but need to be honest with myself and log everything (even the full boxes of chocolates!) without fear of recrimination, I have some really bad weeks followed by some really good weeks. I've realised that I'm an emotional eater and tend to go off track mainly when I have a stressful time - I have a son with behavioural difficulties who is often in trouble at school and an ex-husband who I don't particularly get on with and seems hell-bent on winding me up. And although I like to exercise I just don't have the energy or enthusiasm at the moment!

    I know where I'm going wrong and I recognise I have issues but would really appreciate a "pull yourself together woman" when I'm going downhill and some "woohoo's" when I'm not.

    Thanks for listening :-)

  • applebobbrush
    applebobbrush Posts: 235 Member
    Welcome back! You can do this. I have a hard time with the eating healthy as well. Feel free to add me as your friend. I am not quickly losing and feel free to browse my food diary and see that I'm not eating super healthy either. I will get this though and so will you. We have friends to help us and not direct any microscopes onto yourself, remember you are only competing with yourself and no one else. Just fight to do better than you ever have before, don't try to keep up with anyone else. Your battle is yours and yours alone.