New Year's Challange *2012*



  • This week was rough, however I did successfully shred 1 pound!!! I have 26 pounds to go, and I'm going to rock next week!
  • Please don't forget to weigh in!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • [No, you're not to late...we would love for to join the party]
    I'm a few days behind everyone, is it too late to join in on the challenge? I'd love to loose 20lbs by the new year, that averages 2lbs per week and I think that is a good goal and yet challenging. I am looking for support and eager to give it as well. I have found the last few weeks challenging and looking to get refocused. I hope I am still able to join in on the challenge and I wish everyone well in thier goals.
  • Mel36Run
    Mel36Run Posts: 114 Member
    I would love to be a part of this challange. Am I too late to join? I would like to lose at least 20 more pounds by the end of the year.
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    Okay, i need to join a challenge... I would love to be 10lbs down by 2012... can I be a part of the group? :) When do we next check in??
  • I weighed in this morning and loss half a pound. I have started my weight training again, so I'm almost positive that's the reason. I didn't lose more...hopefully next weeks weigh in will be much better!
    My goal is lose *29lbs* by the stroke of midnight on December 31, 2011!!
    *29lbs* is the amount of weight that I need to lose to no longer be deemed as overweight.
    Would like to join me in this challenge?
    I will check in weekly to update the status of my journey to no longer being overweight. :love:

    I have lost 2lbs since my last weigh in...27 more to go!!!
  • Jennis0212
    Jennis0212 Posts: 37 Member
    I didnt weigh in last week. we lost power for 4 days and ate out A LOT then the halloween candy. it was just a bad bad week and i was afraid to because I know i gained, i can feel it. I didnt want it to really discourage me. I will weigh in this week though and I am still trying to meet the goal!!! good luck to everyone =)
  • I have lost 3 pounds since my last official weigh in for a total of 5 pounds since this challenge began.
    I have 24 more to go!!!
    My goal is lose *29lbs* by the stroke of midnight on December 31, 2011!!
    *29lbs* is the amount of weight that I need to lose to no longer be deemed as overweight.
    Would like to join me in this challenge?
    I will check in weekly to update the status of my journey to no longer being overweight. :love:

    I have lost 2lbs since my last weigh in...27 more to go!!!
  • @Mamapaints we weigh in on Fridays. And of course you're welcome to join us. I placed the challenge at 29 because that's how much I need to lose. Others have done the same based one their specific goals. I see any weight loss as success!
  • soonerthanlater
    soonerthanlater Posts: 14 Member
    Down 3 pts since last weigh-in, slow start but still committed.