Unwanted belly



  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Jillian Michaels says keep your sodium down below 2500 and drink lots of water and cardio cardio cardio....I started tracking my sodium and it seems like my belly fat is going slowly away
    There's no correlation of sodium to belly fat burning. None. Lose weight, the belly fat eventually goes.

    I don't think that's what she means by tracking sodium intake. Sodium or salt (NaCl) can contribute to water retention, bloating, etc. that tends to accumulate in the midsection in women. Lessening your sodium intake while drinking your daily recommended allowance of water can help to combat this and flush out excess water due to the fact that water tends to diffuse into places with a higher concentration of solutes. Less salt (solute) = less water= reduction in water weight accumulation in the midsection.
    I fully understand sodium = water retention possibilities. She said she tracked her sodium and it seems like her belly FAT is going slowly away. That's a false statement. :drinker:
    If you want to be that pedantic about it, she said it SEEMS LIKE her belly fat is going away, not that it actually is going away, so her statement was correct.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    I have been running and working out for the past few months. I can start to see a change in the top of my stomache, however from the belly button and below seems like its never going to go away. Any suggestions or tips on how to loose that? Thanks so much.

    Abs starts in the kitchen. A body starts in the kitchen. A person can't spot reduce, but they can spot tone. Beside doing total body workouts, do you do separate body workouts? Billy Blanks has some wonderful Tae Bo workouts that can help tone your abs.


    Tae Insane Abs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-h-ictkljo


    this seriously makes no sense

    What in the H is spot toning? I'm confuddled.
  • I was wondering the same thing! Ahh AZachery you funny ;D
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yes, you can strengthen a certain muscle. If you strengthen and "tone" the muscle under the fat..... Well you have nice strong muscles hidden by fat.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    come on folks, granted the term "spot toning" may not be the technically correct term, that would be something more like muscle isolation exercises, but still, the concept is correct, you can work a specific muscle or group, but you can't work a specific fat deposit.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Same problem here. Patience.

    If you lose weight, your pants will be loose.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    What in the H is spot toning? I'm confuddled.

    A person can't spot reduce, in other words, they can't exercise a certain part of their body to lose fat. Fat loss doesn't work that way.

    Although, a person can't spot reduce, they can spot tone.

    Spot toning workouts are workouts that targets a certain body part.

    Examples of spot toning workouts:

    RevAbs targets the abs

    Brazilian Butt Lift targets the buns.

    Hip Hop Abs targets the abs

    Power Half Hour Thigh Trimmer targets the thighs

    When I tell someone they can spot tone, 'm not telling them that spot toning will make them lose weight.
  • cpotter4
    cpotter4 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm sorry but you can most certainly lose weight in certain spots if that is what you want. For the lower belly do reverse crunches, bicycle crunches, and do this: (I say this because I don't know what they are called sorry!) Lay on your back on the floor and raise you knees to a 90 degree angle, put your arms flat out to the sides for support. Targeting you lower belly muscles and trying to use only those muscles, lower your knees to one side of your body and control the weight as you go down, do not let your knees touch the floor, raise your knees back up to above your pelvis and lower them to the other side of your body, again do not let them touch the floor. Reps: do it till you get a knot in your lower belly then try to do 10 more.

    Am also sorry to everyone saying that everyone loses weight off the belly last, but it's not true to EVERYONE. Be careful on the generalizations you make. I am one of the lucky ones and lose weight off my entire belly first. :) My trouble spot is my arms :(
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 945 Member
    I have a silver lining, and a layer of fat, but that's not what I was coming to say.

    I see it like this. I've lost 15+ lbs since Aug with 15 more to go.

    During my loss, I've noticed my legs are much tighter,nothing jiggles, my *kitten* is firm, I'm wearing a smaller pant and the belt is in another notch, my arms and shoulders are tight and if you hugged me right now, you'd feel solid in all those areas. if you grabbed my *kitten* while hugging, Id think it strange but would allow it :)

    I've had a great time during many years drinking many beers and great red wines and you know where that goes on men

    So my body is burning fat, and maybe it's burning from the easiest places for it to burn first and now it is running out of spots. I don't think it's a coincidence the places that move the most burn the most

    For this reason, my belly size should exponentially decrease as the other places tighten up. .

    That's my theory and I don't care if it's not true, that's how it's going to happen. :):)
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I have an unwanted belly, c-section 7 years ago and never got back into shape. I am walk/running 6 days a week and lifting 5-6 days a week and that is helping. I love the hanging leg lifts, the plank and side plank crunches, but if you use the row machine and then do a crunch with the weight that is a burn on the lower stomach.
    Eating as clean as I can is also helping, not an everyday occurring thing but mostly.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Am also sorry to everyone saying that everyone loses weight off the belly last, but it's not true to EVERYONE. Be careful on the generalizations you make. I am one of the lucky ones and lose weight off my entire belly first. :) My trouble spot is my arms :(

    You are right, everyone doesn't lose belly fat last. Sometimes fat can come off the belly faster than it does the thighs.
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member

    Abs starts in the kitchen.

    Truer words were never spoken.

    Or, er, written. :)
  • As someone else said, it will probably be the last to go away. It sucks but for some reason that's just the way it is. (Especially for women) The only thing to do is just keep doing what your doing and drink plenty of water!

    This and stick to healthy meals!
  • luvbugsmom
    luvbugsmom Posts: 40 Member
    What is bump? Thanks everyone for the tips!!! Its really appreciated!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Jillian Michaels has a 6 Week 6 Pack Ab workout dvd. I'm trying that, along with my usual cardio. I do believe that it is overall fat loss, and then tone what is left. The abs are just hard to tone!
  • Jillian Michaels has a 6 Week 6 Pack Ab workout dvd. I'm trying that, along with my usual cardio. I do believe that it is overall fat loss, and then tone what is left. The abs are just hard to tone!

    I just bought that today lol!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    My belly is much firmer now. It's a much more round, defined potbelly.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    My belly is much firmer now. It's a much more round, defined potbelly.
  • Haven't you all heard of the Flat Belly Diet book? Eating MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty accids) such as olives, healthy oils, nuts and seeds, avocados, and dark chocolate TARGETS belly fat! Go ahead and read all about it. :)
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    What is bump? Thanks everyone for the tips!!! Its really appreciated!

    When people don't have time to participate in a topic, they might use the word bump. That's just their way of saying that they want the topic to be listed under their "My Topics", so that they can find it later.