Breakfast help



  • Jendegeorge
    I am with ya, girlie! HATED breakfast....honestly mornings come too early and really should be scheduled for later in the day. ;) But I've found protein shakes are awesome. (dashingdish blog has great recipes - google it) Then there's the high protein / lo-carb english muffin or bagel you can toast with a wedge of LCow cheese and some fruit or no-sugar preserves. I also have been known to order some protein bars (chocolite from that are tasty and add some energy to my morning. Or just grab an apple and a little snack baggie of nuts (almonds! yay) and take it with you to work and nibble when you feel more awake.

    Btw, I have made chocolate protein smoothies and added some instant espresso powder to it for my coffee/meal fix all in one! Very tasty, very cheap and lets me drive right past the 8 Starbucks on the way to work! LoL!

    Happy Breakfast to ya Sweetie!
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Breakfast doesn't have to mean 'breakfast' foods - try a sandwich or wrap, left overs, steak and fruit, even soup!
  • froggy15
    froggy15 Posts: 154 Member
    bump for later....good ideas here!
  • angeleyez77
    angeleyez77 Posts: 45 Member
    I like Oatmeal and yogurt. What about mixing it in with your Oatmeal. I like greek yogurt. When I went to a diabetes class they told us to make oatmeal and put peanut butter and a banana and cinnimon in our oatmeal and you got the food groups in it. Just a thought.
  • jltother
    jltother Posts: 14 Member
    Here are a few of my favorite breakfasts.

    A whole wheat English muffin with peanut butter and honey with a small protein shake.

    Eggs scrambled with salsa.

    Fried eggs on a bagel thin with low fat cream cheese.

    Or if I'm in a hurry (like this morning) I'll just make a large protein shake.

    Hope this help!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Greek yogurt is my standby :)
  • SandyCurrier
    Good Morning Angeleyez77 =)

    I am also type 2 diabetic, insulin dependant. I am a bit confused about your glucose readings though, they seem way to low to me, unless we are using different scales of measurement! 80 for me would be pretty much the number to go for. Youre in Canada? Please let me know what kind of measurement you use.
    My sugars are running very high at the moment, and were 247 this morning, I am working on getting them down, with diet and exercise, Current weight is 215.4. I'm older than you, 57 yrs.

    At any rate, the suggestions here for breakfast (you really need to have breakfast) most of them are very good I think, although I think you should be careful with the bananas, 1/2 for a diabetic is plenty. If you eat them, please eat them for breakfast only. =)
    I usually have unsweetened cereal and skim milk, I prefer the powdered milk,believe it or not, lol...but I do. With a slice or two of wheat toast, whole grain., and coffee.
    Or Oatmeal, and Cinnamon, (anytime you can work Cinnamon in, please do, its so good for you in so many ways! I see you dont care for milk..have you tried soy milk? "Silk" is way to rich for my tastes, but its just a thought.

    I hope we can be friends/diet buddies and since youre a 'sugar baby' like me, lol...maybe we can help on another with that too. Good Luck in all your efforts, and stay healthy!
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    use the search function for 'Mug Cinnamon Bread''s awesome and you can vary it. i like it with fried eggs on top, OR peanut butter. Low carb and high fiber too.
  • SandyCurrier
    I really need help with Breakfast .... for too many years now I have gone without breakfast. But, now that I'm starting my diet and exercise regime I am trying to break out of my bad habit and eat breakfast every day, but unfortunately I don't like milk so am unable to have cereals, and am getting fed up with eggs (boiled/scrambled/poached) .... any ideas please? Thanks

    not eating breakfast is not a bad habit, and yields no special benefits for weight loss

    but to answer your question, a parfait of greek yogurt and berries, a protein shake, steak and hashbrowns, breakfast burrito/sandwich

    For a non diabetic, this is fine..but a diabetic needs to eat three meals, and sometimes two snacks in between.and they need to be the right things, and meat should be eliminated altogether if possible, but the point is, to keep the 'fuel' at an even level all day..funny as that may sound, you must eat and eat right to be at a good place with your glucose levels.No offense meant,,,=) oh what I wouldnt give for a steak and bacon! But I know I cant, ~insulin dependant type two its kind of a double battle.
  • mom2teebee
    mom2teebee Posts: 76 Member
    Typically I'll have a whole wheat English muffin with a little bit of light butter and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. Sometimes I'll make a breakfast sandwich with Egg Beaters, veggie sausage patty, and reduced fat cheese. Another thing is I'll make a huge batch of whole wheat pancakes or waffles on the weekend and then freeze them for the week. It makes for a very quick and easy breakfast.
  • Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage patty on a toasted whole grain English muffin and greek yogurt.

    I am also a big fan of breakfast frittata. Eggs, bread, turkey sausage, and I usually throw some asparagus or broccoli in there, with reduced fat natural cheese. I am a nurse and have to be to work at 7 am. If I make this on a Sunday for brunch with the family, I always have plenty of leftovers that I can throw into my lunch bag already prepared.

  • claireliston
    thanks for all your ideas ..... lets see what I can organise for tomorrow!!
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    My breakfast problem was that I am always hungry about 1 hour after eating. I aske MFP people for help. They suggested muffins, eggs, bacon and fruit. This morning I had a muffin with egg beaters and turkey bacon. It was very filling and tasty.
  • chagilb
    chagilb Posts: 6 Member
    I make fruit smoothies in the morning. Throw in a small banana, orange juice and some yogurt (raspberry is my favorite) and blend away! Grab a piece of toast with peanut butter too and you're good to go! If you don't like yogurt add frozen berries instead and less juice. I have made my own granola before too, it's an alternative to cereal and great for snacking on the go.
  • MaterMama
    These are things I have for breakfast. I don't like to eat cold cereal.

    whey protein powder mixed in water (I do this when I am not hungry)
    greek yogurt flavored
    greek yogurt plain with whey protein powder mixed in
    greek yogurt plain with whey protein powder mixed in & plain pumpkin puree with cinnamon
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    As as been mentioned before if you don't like eating breakfast, then don't! Save those calories for when you actually want them. Eating breakfast does not "kickstart your metabolism" or any such nonsense. It's certainly not a hindrance to weight loss not eating breakfast.
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    ive been the same most of my life, never eating breakfast
    im now having milo a fruit salad or some cereal , ease into it though otherwise you may feel sick considering your body isnt used to eating b/fast
  • traceizbiz
    I LOVE breakfast, one of the lucky ones it seems.

    This morning I had omelet, with mushrooms, and corgettes. Sliced four mushrooms, grated one corgette and mixed eggs with a little water and a wee sprinkle of salt. YUM!

    I then had about and hour later a single microwave oat sachet, sultana and apple. Filled me up until lunch and the total was only 420 calories. :happy:
  • getgoiong
    I here you . I have a banana cut in half with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter . I rap it in foil and eat it on my way into work or when I get there
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Why not have lunch or dinner for breakfast? i have not seen any rules of etiquette that preclude this.

    protein instead of eggs - If you like a chicken wrap for lunch, have it in the morning. Or hamburgers. Kippers? Just a slice of ham on an english muffin. Quick fried seasoned tofu in hot noodles with snow peas. I really, really like a slice of salmon when we can afford it.

    carbohydrates - I like oatmeal but how about quinoa? Or cous-cous, the pearl shaped kind, with spices and bits of tomato and mint. Corn meal as muffins, polenta, grits.

    Fats - Have a slice of bacon. (Heretic! Burn the witch!) No, wait, we are all so concerned with fats, I'm sure it could be compensated for later. Once in a while is fine. Every day is fine if you stay at your caloric target.

    leftovers - Y'know, that bean soup or beef stew was really good last night. Nuke a mug in the morning. Hit it with some hot sauce. Pizza - you are going to impress everyone with just salad at lunch, so get your calcium in the morning!

    Slices of apples and cheese. There are sooo many types of cheese. Can one substitute jicama for apple? they have a similar crunchy texture.

    Fruit - dried cranberries, apples, cherries. Fresh mango.

    WTH is a "corgette"?