It Will Never Be


It will never be:

* easy
* perfect
* the right time

Nobody is going to:

* tell you exactly what to do
* drag you out of bed in the morning
* yell at you to eat healthy
* lift weights for you
* run a race for you

There will always be:

* holidays
* sick days
* sleepless nights
* early mornings
* vacations
* bad weather
* long days at the office

It will always be easier to:

* say no
* hit SNOOZE
* do nothing
* settle
* blame others
* make excuses
* give up
* say “I tried my best” when you really didn’t

Life is freaking tough - health, wealth, and happiness certainly don’t come easy.

For those reasons, you don’t need:

* The best equipment
* The best business plan
* The PERFECT workout program (it doesn’t exist)
* A super specific meal plan

And it’s okay to:

* not have all of the answers yet – NOBODY does
* not have your life completely figured out yet – NOBODY does
* get started and figure things out as you go

As Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Do the best you can, with what you have, where you are.”

Take action. Make changes.

You will make mistakes. You will fail. Embrace it.

You know what’s NOT okay?

* to expect instant success and gratification
* to give up immediately when life doesn’t go your way
* to keep doing the same thing while expecting different results
* to coast through life while complaining about it
* to constantly wonder “what if” without ever finding out

Tomorrow never comes.

Eventually never happens.



Shut up and start.

by Steve Kamb
