Can't stay Motivated! HELP!!!

Hey guys, just on here to vent some of my frustrations and see if anyone else has some tips or advice.
I've been on here for awhile, but the problem is that I can't seem to stay consistant with logging in and counting my calories everyday.
I desperately need to lose weight but after about two weeks of dieting and counting calories I get discouraged and just give up.
Once I've missed a few days of logging in I almost feel embarassed to come back on, knowing that ppl have seen that I missed my calorie tracking.
It's hard to lose all this weight, considering i gained about 80 pounds over the course of one year....all caused by PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome)
One of the major symptoms is weight gain and when all i have to do is look and food and gain, its very very difficult to get it back off again
I'm just getting to the point where i need to make a change in my life...but dont know here's to hoping some of you guys have some suggestions and can keep me going!
p.s feel free to add me as a friend to keep my butt in gear, i have a feeling ill need it! :)


  • SPheonix22
    SPheonix22 Posts: 90 Member
    It doesn't matter how long you are gone. Always come back. This is for you and no one else. If you're having a bad week have a bad week. If you can stick to this thing 20 out 0f 31 days a month you are already doing better. The counting calories can be boring, hopefully after you hit maintenance you won't have to. And remember I said hopefully.

    I think the biggest thing for yo to do is keep coming back. Make that a habit and hopefully the exercise and better eating will follow. Life changes don't take place all at once. Give yourself some time to get the habit to stick.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Someone just recently posted before and after pics of her journey (I believe it took her 5 years) and she has PCOS. Might want to look at her posting just to get a little visual motivation to see that it can be done!
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member

    I'm sorry you are feeling discouraged!
    I'd suggest that you stop dieting and start making healthy choices. There is a difference. It's okay to not always eat healthy, as long as it is in moderation and you make sure you have enough calories left in your diary.

    I'd suggest making once good healthy choice a day by replacing something unhealthy with something healthy. Make sure you are exercising as well and drinking your water!

    All the best!
  • lniffa
    lniffa Posts: 718 Member
    For me logging in has become a drug. I log in on my computer 1st thing in the morning and during the day on my cell phone, so if your phone has the capability I suggest you download the app. Also, another suggestion is use your calendar, to help. Another suggestion might be preparing food the day before like I do, and log in everything you have to eat for the day in the morning. I am here to help, so I'll add you.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    been there... before this site i had trouble sticking to anything really.. lol play it like a game! beat your scores and eat small meals all throughout the day
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Missing a few days is nothing... I don't always log my calories personally, sometimes I just don't have time, sometimes I just don't care.

    The point though is being better than what you used to be before: before I started using MFP, I never logged my calories and ate a lot of crap, now I log them as much as possible and feel much better.
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    Don't worry so much about what others may think. We all know how hard it is and have had our cheat days too. Try to log everyday regardless of whether or not your going over. Just knowing what your eating helps in the long run. Don't give up. Yes, it's hard, but YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • dannylives3
    dannylives3 Posts: 70 Member
    (i wrote this to somebody earlier.) "Losing weight is a goal that can be frustrating and confusing. "You're gonna be exercising the next 20 years anyway!" That's what I tell myself when the scale doesn't move. Its not about JUST weight loss. Don't give yourself 6 months to reach your goal and then give up if you don't reach it. Try to look at it like, "No matter what, no matter how long this takes, or how confusing and frustrating.....I WILL do this!"

    Also, don't believe all those magazines at the supermarket telling you to have your dream body in 12 weeks. That's a bunch of BS. Those fitness models didn't take 12 weeks to look like that, they practice exercising as a way of life. ADOPT THAT WAY OF LIFE FOR YOURSELF. Commit to exercising for 1 year, slowly at first. I spent my first 3 months walking mostly, then stepped it up to jogging/walking for about a month, then I joined a gym and got into a program, then I started getting lazy and I quit going to the gym, then things got really bad and I only exercised maybe 4 times a month for about 2 or 3 months, Now Im back to exercising 5 or 6 times a week. My current gripe is that I'm not losing any weight. But its because I don't ever log in my food. I need to change that. I'm learning that its something that MUST be done. LEARN how to do this through trial and error. Hopefully I come back to this thread next year as a super hot and buff, cut and ripped piece of man-meat for you. :)

    But I wont reach that goal if I give up because I fail along the way. Never give up on this!"
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    First and foremost never be embarrassed for missing a day....we all have those days. Second motivation must come from within you. We can give you all the advice in the world but until you find that inner strength that says I will not let this defeat me any longer you will have a hard time keeping up with it. I know from experience that unless I want it bad enough noone can make me want it. Why don't you sit down and write out why you want to lose weight and post it on your fridge. I made a list of 50 reasons I want to lose weight and I have it on my fridge and it helps me keep my focus in check. I also have a husband who is very supportive and a sister who works out with me every day at the gym. Try and find a workout buddy that can help kick your butt when you need it. Lastly stay on this website and surround yourself with positive people. MFP has been instrumental in helping me stay on track. I would recommend sharing your diary if you do not do so already. Knowing that people will see what I am eating everyday totally keeps my food in check! I have honest and supportive people on here and that really helps. Best of luck to you and add me if you like.
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I joined MFP years ago and actually GAINED 10 pounds since I first found this website. Never be embarrassed about missing a day or two...we don't judge here. The important thing is that you are reaching out to others for help. I suggest setting little goals for yourself. If you lose 5 pounds, buy yourself a new shirt. 10 pounds gone go get that exercise video you've been wanting, etc. Breaking up your weight loss goals into mini ones help it not to seem so overwhelming. Good luck and we are all right there with you!
  • ARMom8251
    We have all struggled with this at some point in time...its why we are here in the first place, but there are so many wonderful people and success stories to read and keep you motivated. This site is so different from many others like it because I have never had a group of people be so motivating and supportive, and we all realize everyday is a challenge we all face..sometimes we fall sometimes we climb, but the important thing is to keep going. There have been so many days that I don't log my food or exercise, and its days and weeks at times, but you just have to keep going. Do it for yourself not others and don't worry that others will think bad about you, we have all been there. You can do it just keep working towards your goal if you do that there is your big victory! Being healthy takes time and a life time commitment but the end result is well worth it. GOOD LUCK!!
  • josiesumerlin
    I struggle with motivation also, I am going to post some inspirational quotes on my fridge and other places in my house! Here are some I like,

    "Discipline is remembering what you want"

    "Be specific in what you want, and use specific words. Empower yourself, and become the person you dream about."

    "I wake up every day with the realization that this is it, that there's only one shot at this life and I can either enjoy the ride and live it to its fullest and to my highest potential or I can stay the way I am."

    "You get whatever you settle for."

    "It comes down to a simple question: what do you want out of life, and what are you willing to do to get it?"

  • PreciousTreasure8117
    "There is no failure except in no longer trying." -Elbert Hubbard :)
  • kayc812
    I also have PCOS and had 83 lbs that I needed to lose to be in the healthy BMI range. I gave up on trying to lose weight when I was diagnosed with PCOS over 14 years ago. I recently decided that I wanted to be healthier, to increase the possibility that I could have a baby some day and to take back some control of my life. I started looking more into recent PCOS information and discovered that a low Glycemic Index diet seemed to work well for ladies with PCOS. I started doing Nutrisystem in mid April of this year. I have lost 50 lbs as of today. So, still 33 more to go. I tried other diets, I can't tell you how many times I tried to count calories and did Weight Watchers, to never lose more than 15 to 20 lbs and then gain it right back.

    You have to find something that works for you. Find a workout buddy, a friend that also has weight to lose and that will keep you accountable, in a supportive and not overly aggressive way! I'm single, so the prepackaged food with Nutrisystem help me with portion control and ease of use. I'll be honest, they aren't that yummy and it is more expensive than I'm comfortable with, but I'm seeing results and I'm worth every penny!

    I was using the Nutrisystem iphone App to track my food, but in July, my friend sent me an invitation to join MFP. I like this site because it has so much in it's database, it makes it easier to add food when I eat out and don't have a package that has all the calorie info on it.

    I don't keep up with or submit my daily calories all the time either. When I first started, I did. Give yourself little goals. Like submit your calories for 3 days, then move that up to 5 in a row, etc. But, don't let it discourage you. Everyone starts and stops a lot, before they are in the right mindset and are really ready! Once you are, you will be a force that can't be stopped!

    Good luck!!

    Know that you can do this!!
  • Ickaboo
    You guys are really means so much to me to see replies on my post and just knowing im not alone!
    All i can do is give this my best shot....