

Im new here! I have tried Slimming World and Weight watchers - and they have worked - but when i stop the weight goes back on.

I have never tried good old calorie counting and doing excersise, I'm not sure why I think my generation were taught calarie counting is hard work and doesnt work!

At the moment I don't see how that is true - I have been calorie counting for two days now - and I love the control you get - you really can eat what you want, but have to sacrifice if you are going to take it literally! Which I havent!

Using My fitness pal is a GREAT tool you can see all your food and calorie intake how many you have left and how excersise helps so much - to the fact I usually walk two times a week - but as I like seeing the calries left over when I walk I got into work early and did a 15 minute brisk walk - over 100 calories banked!

I LOVE how on the app when you complete a day it lets you know how much light you can be 5 weeks later!

So far I am impressed, I am going to Amsterdam over the weekend and will have no internet - which may be an issue - But I will look up a list of calories in meals before I go and choose wisely, and do LOTS of excersise when I get back.

As always I have waffled on!! ha

I look forward to hearing from you all!



  • dexter11233
    dexter11233 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Clare!

    Before I started calorie counting (which was basically using this website and the smartphone app) I thought it was going to be TORTURE. Between constantly researching the food I eat, to counting everything out into correct portions, and of course having to limit myself on a diet in the first place, I was sure I'd never be able to successfully pull of a diet. Now that's completely 180'd thanks to this website! I really think I couldn't have lost as much weight as I have now without it.

    I hope to read your success story later in the forums! Best of luck to you!
  • Clarabellaaa
    Clarabellaaa Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you :)