I'm a 2nd time newbie! Hi everyone!

My name is Holly and I am 23 years old and want to get in shape! I looove hiking, biking and kayaking and I want to be able to do these things with more ease. I have 27lbs to lose and I know I can do it! I tried using this site once before and lost 10lbs..and then life got a little complicated (I moved, got a new job...etc) and I lost control of my diet :( I decided to delete my other account and start fresh! I joined the YMCA about a month ago and have been attending 4 1hr classes a week. Group Power twice a week and a class that is a mix of cardio and strength trainging. I'm loving the work out part of my new life style but I am having a really hard time with the diet part...I have been on this site for a couple of months now and am finding it difficult without being involved in the message boards...so here I am! Good luck to everyone!

SW: 157
CW: 155
GW: 130


  • sunnygirlsings
    Good luck to you too. I love My Fitness Pal as it makes it easy to log my intake and exercise but it is better when you have buddies helping you along.
  • drpurl
    drpurl Posts: 190 Member
    Welcome, I am in the same boat. This is my 2nd time around too.
  • hickmanswifey
    hickmanswifey Posts: 6 Member
    Im glad to know Im not the only one who has deleted an account to "start out fresh" lol Good luck!!! :)
  • PreciousTreasure8117
    Good luck! You can do it!
  • startingover42
    Good luck to you! This is a second go round for me as well..after logging almost 300+ days here on MFP..I fell off the wagon due to stresses and other challenges. It happens to the best of us. But picked myself up..and back at it.

    Don't know what I would do without MFP.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    welcome back and good luck to you!
  • Thank you all for the 2nd warm welcome!! I really did miss this site!
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! Be sure to use that calorie counter and remain cognizant of what you are putting into your body. That's helped me big time. Logging also let's me know where I can treat myself every now and then while staying on track with my caloric goals.

    Best wishes to you on your journey!
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome back!!! I'm sure you'll be back on track in no time at all!!