feel discouraged!

ok so heres the info.....weighed in on sunday morning at 137lbs which is good i want to be 130lbs and have lose 45lbs so far on my weigh day i didnt count calories and then on the monday i didnt eat all day and had a cheat meal didnt go overboard at all and was pretty much within my calorie range! i cant get out of my head the fact that ive ruined my diet!! it might be all in my head but i sooo want to get to goal i feel ive sabotaged it all this cheat 2 days came after 3 weeks so i dont do it often please help?


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Just move on
  • mirandahimmelspeck
    First of all - 45 lbs lost - WOO HOO!!!! Good for you.

    It is ok to have a day or two that you don't eat exactly according to plan. You should never, ever, never starve yourself for a whole day to save up for a cheat meal. This puts your body into a starvation mode and it will hang on to the calories that you consume with your cheat meal a lot longer because it doesn't know when your next meal is coming - your body stores this as fat. If you know you are going out or going to have a big meal or unhealthy meal, the best thing to do would be eat smaller portions throughout the day and enjoy your meal. Getting some extra exercise that day would be a good idea too because it will increase the amount of calories that you are allowed to have on your plan. Know that one or two meals are not going to break your life change. Just get back on it the next day - but feed your body.