Ignorant people at the gym... grrr



  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    that is horrible. i've never had that problem in my gym or seen it. but sometimes i do want to tell someone to get off the machine they've been sitting on as they chat on the phone. people get off the phone and let people work out.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Never encountered that. It is unfortunate that others are that vain.
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    That's horrible, and even worse you said it's a mother and her daughter?? What kind of mother teaches her daughter to be so mean..
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    There's aways someone more ripped, stronger, faster or can run longer. If we were perfect, the gym would be empty
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    We have a ton of arrogant fools that think they are the bomb!



    :laugh: I just spit water. Fantastic.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    One of the reasons I love working out during my lunch break is that nearly everyone at the gym is there to work on bettering themselves and just get it done. There's a very low gym rat population at that time of day. It's usually other people in for a quick lunch workout, moms with young kids, and retirees.

    I hate going after work when it's full of people there to socialize and stare. If you're not using the equipment, then move out of the way. :grumble:
  • RunningFetus
    lol and for the small ****heads doing their 60 dumb bell curls with terrible form thinking they are gods gift to the gym, i go stand right next them and curl 25 or 30's and they dont understand why they aren't getting better its priceless! Haters gonna hate
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    We have a ton of arrogant fools that think they are the bomb!


    I saw that guy at the gym once. His name is Billy......Billy Badass
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    It's really sad the mother was doing that with her daughter, and mom will fuss and fuss when her daughter gets the crap beat out of her one day by someone she was joking on.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    How about ignorant instructors? I had one who was constantly high fiving me during class. On the surface this sounds great, but it seemed like I was the only one. I decided to ask her about why she was singling me out. She says "I just think it's great what you are doing. I even told some of my friends about you, that I have this girl in my class that, um, well that tries so hard" I nod and just stay quiet. THEN she says "Yea, I have a friend that's a big girl, and she was dating this guy and some other friends were like, why is he dating her. But I defended her!" Uh huh....she said it like she should get a gold star for taking up for the fat chick. Maybe you had to be there, but she was CLUELESS how she sounded when she said it.

    I haven't gone back to her class.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    RRRR...people like this make me angry. Good for you for saying something back to them. Maybe they'll think twice next time. I for one don't give a RIP what people say/think about my fat A** running around at the gym. I told my husband the other night I get a lot of looks when I'm out running with the puppy now, but I choose to believe it's cuz of the girls knocking around and not the fact that I'm still overweight! He told me (and this made me smile and blush) that pretty soon they'd be running into telephone poles like the Allstate commercial looking at that hot chick! Did I pick a winner or what!?
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I hate gym rats that don't practice perfect technique and sacrifice form for those extra 45s. I silently laugh at them, but at the same time I pity their health.

    I'm not cheating, I'm doing "power curls," lol.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    i will never understand some folks. People will talk about you no matter what so just keep doing whats best for you. i would tell the desk attendant next time. Gyms cost way too much to be mistreated.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    How about ignorant instructors? I had one who was constantly high fiving me during class. On the surface this sounds great, but it seemed like I was the only one. I decided to ask her about why she was singling me out. She says "I just think it's great what you are doing. I even told some of my friends about you, that I have this girl in my class that, um, well that tries so hard" I nod and just stay quiet. THEN she says "Yea, I have a friend that's a big girl, and she was dating this guy and some other friends were like, why is he dating her. But I defended her!" Uh huh....she said it like she should get a gold star for taking up for the fat chick. Maybe you had to be there, but she was CLUELESS how she sounded when she said it.

    I haven't gone back to her class.

    I think a lot of times those type of people feel like they are encouraging you or making you feel better. I think they don't wanna look shallow so they say stuff like i got a big girl friend too. i wouldn't take it too personal. I had this trainer who always came over to offer me help and make sure i was using the machines correctly. Others would ask for his help or tips and he would hand them a card or try to sell a session. I just don't pity the fool.
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    Maybe its the gym. I hated working out at Lifetime and Ballys. I have been a member of both over the years. They have world class equipment, and great staff with great customer service. The facilities are spectacular. Unfortunatly there are clicks that develop and people become rather snobby. Theres a difference between confidence, self esteem, etc and Arrogance. Theres a whole class of douche bags that use those places. Not everyone at thoseplaces are that way, mind you but the few that do ruined it for me.

    I work out at the Twin Cities YMCA's now. Completely a different atmosphere. Its family oriented, They have world class equipment, free weights, weight machines, great staff, great customer support all the same stuff as the 'sexier' meat market health clubs. Cardio classes of all types. The people there tend to be focused on improving themselves by building themselves up. (Instead of tearing themselves down.) I have yet to find a bad apple spoiling the bunch.

    Wherever you are at, maybe its time to try a differnt place.
  • southofmadness
    southofmadness Posts: 316 Member
    If they were mad because they had to get out of the way when she came jogging by, as they walked and took up all the track.... They would be furious next time she came around, because I would've jumped in there and ran right beside her to help push them off the track on the next lap.

    I have always said . You can't cure *kitten*.... its genetic. Although in this mother/ daughter case.. it could be contagious.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Wow. That is so hurtful. I'm glad you stood up for her.
    I'm the big girl at the gym I go to. I usually bring a guest with me, so between using the elliptical, and huffing and puffing to respond to my friend in conversation, I'm too absorbed in other things to notice if anyone points and laughs, but when I'm off the machine, I can't say I've ever come across anyone mean and nasty. People are friendly there, I'm happy and relieved to say.
  • jeannec3631
    jeannec3631 Posts: 108 Member
    sounds like mom/daughter have their a problem with low self esteem...putting others down to lift themselves up...uh nah to haters! good job putting em in check! *high five*
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    lol and for the small ****heads doing their 60 dumb bell curls with terrible form thinking they are gods gift to the gym, i go stand right next them and curl 25 or 30's and they dont understand why they aren't getting better its priceless! Haters gonna hate

    Quoting for truth!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    One of the reasons I love working out during my lunch break is that nearly everyone at the gym is there to work on bettering themselves and just get it done. There's a very low gym rat population at that time of day. It's usually other people in for a quick lunch workout, moms with young kids, and retirees.

    I hate going after work when it's full of people there to socialize and stare. If you're not using the equipment, then move out of the way. :grumble:

    I go in the morning for the very same reason...everyone who is there that early only has one thing on their mind...getting their workout in and heading off to work, so there's no BS going on. I've never seen anyone act that way either, but I don't doubt it happens. When I see someone really overweight who is just starting, I'm just happy for them and hope they keep at it so I can watch them transform!