Definately in need of motivation!! :(

So I found out about this website in April, and I totally loved it!! I love seeing the results of other people the big difference weight can do! And its amazing! I go on this website basically everyday except weekends, yet I dont do anything for my own good (diet) :( Theres days when I get really motivated and say to myself that I am going to start losing weight but then when I go home all I do is eat eat and eat! I love eating! :( Its just way too hard for me! I started at 160lbs when I found about this website and now I weigh 170 :o Can you believe that instead of going down I actually gained weight! Which is pretty sad because I really do get really inspired seeing all the results on everyone here, but yet, I cant do anything for myself. My goal weight is 125-130... Im not asking or looking in to weighin 110 or 115.. all I want is to be at usual weight like before when I was 16 :(.. Is there any ideas of what I can do to start this process slowly... Please! Any comments or opinions will help.


  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Yes! Join in the fun... you can do it... and don't think DIET.. that may be why it is stopping you from starting, per say ha ha. I love this because you can customize it to what you like (with boundaries, of course). It's all about planning ahead, portion control and is a huge learning experience that you can use forever! So I think you should take a picture of yourself that you like, post it on the fridge or on your bedroom mirror and make it all about you! Set little goals and think about how good those jeans will feel when you put on the next size down! Go go go GO FOR IT! hehe There are so many supportive people on here too... do you have a buddy you can walk with who will hold you accountable? That helps too... Best of luck to you in your new lifestyle journey!!! I want to see your new post in a month with the fabulous progress you've been making, kay???
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    Yes! Join in the fun... you can do it... and don't think DIET.. that may be why it is stopping you from starting, per say ha ha. I love this because you can customize it to what you like (with boundaries, of course). It's all about planning ahead, portion control and is a huge learning experience that you can use forever! So I think you should take a picture of yourself that you like, post it on the fridge or on your bedroom mirror and make it all about you! Set little goals and think about how good those jeans will feel when you put on the next size down! Go go go GO FOR IT! hehe There are so many supportive people on here too... do you have a buddy you can walk with who will hold you accountable? That helps too... Best of luck to you in your new lifestyle journey!!! I want to see your new post in a month with the fabulous progress you've been making, kay???

    I totally AGREE!!! Join in on the FUN!!! & DON'T think DIET that stuff don't work. It's a journey & every day is different. Just do your best every day.
  • carmenf21
    carmenf21 Posts: 40 Member
    Aaaaw thank you soo much!!!!! :) I have thought of putting a picture of me up of when I weighed 125-130, its a big difference and when I come across them I try and avoid noticing the big difference between me there and now. But I know that seeing it daily would help me keep in mind that I have a goal in mind that I must accomplish.
  • Musicgrl4life
    here is definitely a great place to get motivation! the main thing is to just take every day a day at a time. progress can come slow, but every bit lost all adds up. also, portion control is key.

    way to go for wanting to get started again!

    good luck to you on your weight loss! :smile:
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Yes! Join in the fun... you can do it... and don't think DIET.. that may be why it is stopping you from starting, per say ha ha. I love this because you can customize it to what you like (with boundaries, of course). It's all about planning ahead, portion control and is a huge learning experience that you can use forever! So I think you should take a picture of yourself that you like, post it on the fridge or on your bedroom mirror and make it all about you! Set little goals and think about how good those jeans will feel when you put on the next size down! Go go go GO FOR IT! hehe There are so many supportive people on here too... do you have a buddy you can walk with who will hold you accountable? That helps too... Best of luck to you in your new lifestyle journey!!! I want to see your new post in a month with the fabulous progress you've been making, kay???

    ^ Great advice. We all started somewhere. I could drink a six pack of beer a day. Now I might drink six beers a week. Did I stop overnight, not at all. BABY STEPS! It takes will power and the willingness to make this happen for yourself. Just start small by making wiser choices in what you eat and watching your portions. You can do this!

    Best wishes to you on your journey!
  • carmenf21
    carmenf21 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank You!!! :)) I will try and do that! before I had in mind just starving myself and not eat to lose weight (I would lose up to 12lbs but then after a month I would regain them, but when I found this website I realized its not about not eating its about the portions.. calories... and fat... And I will start looking into that..
  • Sharon150
    Hi! I think you're already on the right track just by logging in. It's time to take the next step and actually start logging your daily food intake. Trust me, when you actually see what you're eating, in terms of nutritional value, you will automatically become more aware of what goes in your mouth. Take it one step at a time and You will become accountable and You wont want to let Yourself down! You can do this!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Totally agree, especially with the baby steps. Start using the tools provided on this site to your advantage. At first, just make a plan to track everything to get into the habit. Then in a week or two, work on tweaking your meals so you're staying within your calorie limits more often than not. Then in another week or two, start getting active (or more active). And pretty much just keep buidling on those skills - get better about your food choices and keep trying new things to stay active. You can do it!
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Really think it comes down to if your finally ready to commit to a healthier lifestyle and stop making excuses.Everyone here has given you good advice, but ultimately it is up to you. site is great for support.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    The MFP model is excellent. I've lost 20 lbs in 3 months, which is just over a pound a week, and it is so nice to log even my worst indiscretions and make up for them the next day instead of feeling guilty about them.
  • re08scue
    re08scue Posts: 71 Member
    Put me in front of my favourite food and I can lose all willpower! The one thing that keeps me on track is logging my food everyday THE DAY BEFORE. That way I know exactly what I'm eating for each meal and snack ahead of time. So when I get home from work I already know what my snack is and I eat that with a big glass of water BEFORE I start making dinner. Takes the edge off. Keeps my on track. I removed all unhealthy tempting foods from my house - that's a big help too.

    Having supportive family and friends around you certainly helps. And once the pounds start coming off your motivation will sky rocket.

    You can do it! You need to feel good about your journey on the inside. Get excited about it! Try new recipes! Have fun!
  • ladyulliman
    ladyulliman Posts: 3 Member
    I think one word you should eliminate from your vocab (when it comes to losing weight) is the word CAN'T, because you definitely CAN lose weight and get fit. Having optimism and being positive will go from just thoughts in your mind to actions in eating and exercise. If you tell yourself you're going to fail before you start, you most likely will fail. Nip those negative thoughts in the bud. Getting fit is hard, but doable.

    I think you should evaluate why you "eat, eat and eat." Is it emotional? Are you seeking pleasure? Before you can lose weight, you'll need to evaluate why you're over-eating. Whether it's emotional eating or just out of habit, it's important to find other activities to replace it. Exercise is really important! So is finding new hobbies to occupy your time.

    Like Rosie the Riveter, You Can Do It!
  • carmenf21
    carmenf21 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you so much everyone!!!!!!!!!! your comments really are a great motivation!!! :)
  • KLimongelli
    Hey girl! I was in a similar boat last January and I KNOW you can do this!! Make the decision to get healthy and get happy--you deserve it! Finally really making that decision and committing to it will motivated you. Use that energy to join a dance class or a rec sports league! Find something fun and get active! If you make it a part of your daily routine, it won't seem like work, it will just be something else that you do. You'll have so much more energy and you'll have so much fun that you'll want to keep going! The results aren't going to be overnight, but you'll notice little differences here and there. Changing the way you eat (NOT dieting) will help you too! Start small, like switching from white bread to whole grain and pretty soon you'll be eating healthy and feeling so good that you won't even miss the junk foods. It's hard, but you can do it! I just started using this website myself because I need to work on my health, too, so we're in this together!!!
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    Getting started is the hardest part, once you get going, eating right and exercising can kind of be addicting (for me anyways), I would start with replacing some of the bad with good. Since you love to eat, maybe try replacing whatever your eating with something better. I started on a completely strict diet and then started adding things back in, but some differences between now and 6weeks ago, are like: I would eat 2 helpings of spaghetti with white noodles and sauce made with hamburger meat, along with 2 or 3 slices of bread with butter, but tonight I'm having 1 serving of spaghetti made with whole wheat pasta and ground turkey. It makes a huge difference, and I still get to eat one of my favorite foods. I completely cut out the bread and butter, but if I were to have some, it would be whole grain bread with I can't believe it's not butter spray. Start small by replacing things, chips and snacks with fruits and veggies, cooking oil with extra virgin olive oil, hamburger with turkey, any breads or pastas with whole grain, milk with fat free can do it! Also try adding in a little exercise each day. Even just a half hour walk added to your schedule everyday will help. Good luck! you can do it!
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    Yes that too! Remember it won't happen overnight. That is always an issue with me, I want to see a change overnight but I know it will take time!
  • jrojeck
    jrojeck Posts: 51 Member
    I think it's really true about not considering your weight loss goals as a diet. I've never attempted any kind of serious weight loss until recently and I never wanted to consider it a diet. I've been referring to my change in eating habits and going to the gym 3 times a week as a "life adjustment".

    The word diet has this stigma to me of something fleeting and impermanent.

    To me, a life adjustment is a slow and steady change to your normal habits that will have a far more lasting effect.

    You can do it! Oggle those success story pictures, they've been so motivating for me! =D
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    Just make small changes at a time so it doesnt seem impossible. I have starting filling out my food diary for the entire day a day ahead of time which help me spread out my calories. Also im a evening snacker too! Almost everynight I have a bowl of airpopped popcorn w/ spray butter while I watch tv. It has been a true lifesaver! (Only a lil over 100 cals)
  • NewChristine1483
    NewChristine1483 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey girl!!! I friended you :) My biggest motivation is definitely all the wonderful people I've "met" on this site. Lots of "atta girl"s and "keep it up"s and motivation from everyone! We're all fighting for the same thing - TO BE HEALTHY! I have faith in you!!