I love MFP

northernbillfan Posts: 3
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
I stepped on the scale during a recent physical and saw my weight had reached an all time high.

I topped out at 276. I'm 6'4" so I can carry it well. I noticed that I was getting winded etc, so I decided to make a lifestyle change. I started counting calories and watching my intake of salt and other crap.

A friend of mine introduced me to My Fitness Pal about 2 weeks ago. I love this app and the on-line support. My wife and I have been using religiously now and are seeing results.

Since that day in late September I have lost 20 pounds and fell a lot better about myself. My target weight is 225 averaging a loss of 2 pounds a week.

After I get below 250, I am going to introduce a more rigorous exercise regime with running and weight training. Now it;s just light callisthenics, stepping a walking.

Thanks MFP!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and good luck.
  • I just read your post....what an inspiration. A dietician just gave me this site yesterday to help my husband and (me) to make some diet changes. I agree that this is a great tool and will be using it as well. Good for you on the results!!! Good Luck to you and your wife!!!
  • Sunlight2011
    Sunlight2011 Posts: 75 Member
    I agree. Its totally excellent. I've tried all the diet plans but it aint shiftin. This gives you support and encouragement without the pressure of someone else setting goals for you. Superb!

    Good luck to everyone with a goal to have a healthier and slimmer life.
  • Miriamreal
    Miriamreal Posts: 33 Member
    Me Too!!! and I love to meet new friends. Add me if you like. =D
  • byroman
    byroman Posts: 75 Member
    Your story is nearly a repeat of mine. Welcome to your new lifestyle!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    congrats on your success to date. great plan with phasing in the workout and increasing intensity over time. I did the same thing. I did no exercise during phase 1, added light to moderate cardio in phase 2, added resistance training in phase 3, and now in phase 4 I'm doing all sorts of stuff like boot camps and high intensity interval training. work the progression and don't rush it.
  • congrats on your success to date. great plan with phasing in the workout and increasing intensity over time. I did the same thing. I did no exercise during phase 1, added light to moderate cardio in phase 2, added resistance training in phase 3, and now in phase 4 I'm doing all sorts of stuff like boot camps and high intensity interval training. work the progression and don't rush it.
    what time frame would you recommend between phases?
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