Need friends and motivation

I need someone to go through this with. I've been on a weight loss journey for about 2 years now, I started at 237 after I had my fourth and final baby. I got down to 188lbs and then got and IUD put in for hormonal issues. After that happened I gained 25lbs in 3-4 weeks up to 213, now I'm 208 but frustrated. I am so upset about this happening and I've lost my motivation to exercise or even eat healthy. I need help because I really want to lose weight but I'm so depressed about gaining weight that it's all I thrive on. I also have no support in my husband, he's sick of hearing me talk about my weight but I feel like it's consuming me until I get to where I am comfortable. So, now I turn to MFP to help me out with motivation to keep going. I'm not sure if any of you are even a bit in the same situation as me but I'd love to chat or add friends to any of you on this journey. Congrats to all of you that have lost weight and continue doing all the good things you do!!!


  • good luck in your weight lost journey! I also had an IUD put in after the birth of my twins and gained 20lbs!!!!! Gaining weight sucks! But losing it is incredible! I would love to motivate you...I also need motivation! I am back on track Determined and Focused!! Lets do this together :)
  • erinnhamil2n
    erinnhamil2n Posts: 28 Member
    I have been on this journey for about a year and 2 months. I started out at 210 pounds. Most of this weight gained through a messy divore and the rebuilding of myself. I am now down to 148, with a goal of 130 (my prebaby weight). You can do this! I takes dedication and work. I am a single mom raising 2 daughters, workign full time. If I can do it you can too!
  • We all have to start somewhere. Maybe just start out with this week as an accountability week. Just track food with no intention to reduce. Then look @ your food diary and decide what you'd be ok to let go of and what is non negotiable. Then type in your reduction amount, I picked 1 lb a week and when I weighed in I was less than that- yay success :) Sometimes just the accountability of being consistent with your food diary will have you eating less over time- naturally so it wont' feel like a big shift when you enter in your goals. Find ways to include movement in your day. Do what you really love. Find a freind to go on walks or the gym. park far from your destination in a parking lot- every step brings you close. You can do it! plz friend if you like :)
  • You can do this! Good luck and just keep pushing forward. Your worth feeling happy and proud so each day you eat something a little healthier than the day before should make you proud! Thats how I have to look at it. I will be more than happy to help motivate you when you feel you need it. It helps to know your not alone in this weight loss journey :)
  • saabs80
    saabs80 Posts: 37 Member
    :happy: I just started MFP a week ago and I LOVE IT!!! It has me allowed me to better plan out my meals and become more aware of things I put in my mouth. At first it was hard but now I am addicted. I would love to be your friend and offer you encouragment through this journey we are on
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    We all have to start somewhere. Maybe just start out with this week as an accountability week. Just track food with no intention to reduce. Then look @ your food diary and decide what you'd be ok to let go of and what is non negotiable. Then type in your reduction amount, I picked 1 lb a week and when I weighed in I was less than that- yay success :) Sometimes just the accountability of being consistent with your food diary will have you eating less over time- naturally so it wont' feel like a big shift when you enter in your goals. Find ways to include movement in your day. Do what you really love. Find a freind to go on walks or the gym. park far from your destination in a parking lot- every step brings you close. You can do it! plz friend if you like :)

    This is great advice. Once you get going, you'll start to really believe in yourself that you CAN do this and you WILL reach your goals. Don't settle for life the way it is now. You deserve to be happy! Add me as a friend if you need encouragement.