Energy foods before workout.

What kind of energy foods or drinks can I take before a workout? I always feel too tired to workout and i have to force myself to get on the treadmill and strength train afterwards. I need a little push to get me started. any suggestions?


  • BrokenBottle
    BrokenBottle Posts: 8 Member
    Eat a small balanced meal 1 hour before workout.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Banana (optionally w/ peanut butter)
    Yogurt. Pre-workout, I prefer the sugary kind.
  • kitkat536
    kitkat536 Posts: 27 Member
    Granola bar - my favorite is Cliff Mojo bars. They are mostly nuts, low fat, medium protein, and half the amount of sugar is the regular cliff bars.

    I also eat apples beforehand too. The fiber makes me feel full and the carbs give me the energy.

    Eat 20-30 minutes beforehand, so eat before getting in your car, and change at the gym. :)

    Best of luck!!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Apple with peanut butter
    Some sort of fruit with laughing cow cheese
    Toast with cottage cheese
    Granola bar

    These all work well for me :D
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    Coffee does the trick for me. If I want to do an evening workout I have a small cup right after I get home and that helps me find the energy to squeeze in a workout after spending all day at work.
  • apbanana
    Greek Yogurt are the best! even Trader Joe's brand is good. I usually can't eat before a work out so sometime I have a citrus fruit to boost my energy a bit without a lot of actual food.
  • MoniJo82
    MoniJo82 Posts: 16 Member
    Excellent Thanks for the responses everyone. :happy: