Since starting my diet I have GAINED not lost....



  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I am 32, 5'3 and 226 pounds. Anybody have any suggestions? Thanks!

    Daily intake cals: 2000 (if training aerobically - walking 5 times weeks for 30 minutes min.)
    Daily intake cals: 1800 (if sendentary)

    did you read her stats?

    she's only 5'3"!

    2000 calories with 30 minutes of walking? IMHO that's too high. :noway:
  • EbonyK
    EbonyK Posts: 92
    I am in the same boat too. I feel whatever I do good or bad I am not losing. I am having a hard time sticking to my plan too. I am stuck at a particular weight and I can't get passed it and if I do I will gained 2-4lbs back even If I am not cheating and exercising. I don't get what is going on with my body either. I wish you luck and hopefully we both will reach our goals. Good Luck!
  • My boyfriend is a member of and he says that I'm not taking in enough cals either. Maybe I should increase my intake for the next few weeks and add some more exercise and see how it goes.
  • runamym
    runamym Posts: 83 Member
    I seriously think you need to do exercise 5-6 days a week that you are dripping with sweat afterwards --- clothes feel like you just took a shower with them on. that you are pushing yourself to your limit and you don't stop. You'll get stronger at each workout and you'll build muscle, which burns more fat/calories at rest/sleep! Find an exercise program that you love. And that you won't have interruptions.
    Because I started working out with Turbo Fire (dvd set from Beachbody - same company that does p90x), I worked so hard in workouts that I didn't want to mess up my eating plan. Hardcore exercise and good eating went hand in hand for me. I've lost 80+ lbs since February.

    It's best if you find out your target heart rate (google it to plug in your numbers) and then exercise around that zone for a good 30-60 mins 5-6 days a week. Shoot for 6 days that way you're sure to get in at least 5. I'm not sure where you walk - at the gym then you can keep checking your heart rate to make sure you're staying there. Or if not -- buy a heart rate monitor to make sure you're pushing yourself enough during workouts.
    Leisure walking is not exercise in my opinion. If you want to lose weight, you have to sweat buckets and build muscle.
    I HIGHLY recommend buying the Turbo Fire DVDs -- it's a 90 day program and you WILL see results if you stick to the weekly class schedule.
  • oh no, that's sounds awfull , but is going to get better keep doing what you are doing maybe increse your protein and reduce the carbs and drink at least 3 litter of water that helps me a lot since u get rid of fat thru the urine , I know it is a pain to go to the bathroom like 30 time a day , but i can see the difference when I don't do it , I hope that helps
  • I seriously think you need to do exercise 5-6 days a week that you are dripping with sweat afterwards --- clothes feel like you just took a shower with them on. that you are pushing yourself to your limit and you don't stop. You'll get stronger at each workout and you'll build muscle, which burns more fat/calories at rest/sleep! Find an exercise program that you love. And that you won't have interruptions.
    Because I started working out with Turbo Fire (dvd set from Beachbody - same company that does p90x), I worked so hard in workouts that I didn't want to mess up my eating plan. Hardcore exercise and good eating went hand in hand for me. I've lost 80+ lbs since February.

    It's best if you find out your target heart rate (google it to plug in your numbers) and then exercise around that zone for a good 30-60 mins 5-6 days a week. Shoot for 6 days that way you're sure to get in at least 5. I'm not sure where you walk - at the gym then you can keep checking your heart rate to make sure you're staying there. Or if not -- buy a heart rate monitor to make sure you're pushing yourself enough during workouts.
    Leisure walking is not exercise in my opinion. If you want to lose weight, you have to sweat buckets and build muscle.
    I HIGHLY recommend buying the Turbo Fire DVDs -- it's a 90 day program and you WILL see results if you stick to the weekly class schedule.

    This is the best advice yet.

    There's no trick. Just bust your *kitten* and stop trying to rationalize eating more calories. My guess is you are not being honest with yourself about what's really going on. If everything you say is true, you should be seeing some results by now. You have to overcome the mental hurdles before you'll make any progress on the physical front. You have to declare war on your entire lifestyle. Just take it one day at a time.
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    FYI - your base caloric intake should not be less than 1700 cals just at rest. Otherwise if you eat below that you are storing fat and sparing lean mass. It's not an opinion - just physiology.

    Can you please elaborate.

    I too would like to hear you elaborate. Eating LESS than 1700 stores fat??
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    As you've already been told, 1200 calories for someone who weighs 226 isn't enough. Around 2000 sounds better. And from your diary, you're not getting very good nutrition from what you're eating. Try to cut back on processed food, and you should see your junk carbs improve. Up your fresh veggies, and make sure you get adequate protein (roughly 0.8-1.0 grams per pound of goal body weight). I recommend you add sodium to your diary and track that. Processed food is high in sodium.

    If you can add more exercise, that would help. Try these suggestions and give it at least 3 more weeks. It can take that long for your body to catch up to what you're doing. If you still haven't made any progress after that, either you're not logging correctly, your exercise calories are incorrect, or you have a medical condition and need to consult your doctor.

    Good luck!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I don't know what your goal is, but if I put in your other stats and assue a goal of 140 -- with sedentary as your activity I get this:

    To lose 2lbs a week -- 1200
    To lose 1.5 lbs a week - 1390
    To lose 1lb a week - 1640

    Whichever one you choose, you should also track your exercise calories and eat those too.
    I usually try to eat half if not all of mine -- this gives you more calories to eat each day.

    If you are eating 1200 --- then burning 400 exercising and not eating anything back, that's not a good thing.
    Your body needs FUEL to keep going.

    I can't see your diary so I can really comment on what you're eating. If are still using the MFP default, I would definitely change them and try to get more protein. A good rule of thumb is 1g per 1lb of your weight....I would aim for at least 100-120 since 220+ would be an awful lot if you're not used it. Cut down on processed food, add protein, eat good carbs, lean meats, veggies, fruit and drinks tons of fluids.

    Here are some guidelines on choosing your goals (which you should reset every 10lbs you lose)
    75lbs or more: Choose to lose 2lbs/week
    40-75 pounds: Choose to lose 1.5lbs/week
    25-40 pounds: Choose to lose 1lb/week
    15-20 pounds: Choose either 1/2lb or 1lb
    Less than 15/20 pounds: choose 1/2 lb/week
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    As you've already been told, 1200 calories for someone who weighs 226 isn't enough. Around 2000 sounds better.

    This is actually incorrect. People are quite overweight CAN do the 1200 thing at first. It's really what it was intended for. It's the people who have 10lbs to lose and choose to lose 2lbs a week thinking it will go faster that shouldn't be doing it. They have very little fat stores and are usually more active and need more fuel.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 614 Member
    Don't give up. Pick a number probably closer to the 1200 and stick with it EVERY day. Log EVERYTHING. I found I wasn't being totally honest when I was logging my food. Now I use a scale and measuring cups. Even if I have one M & M (peanut is 11 calories) I log it. Most of the time I just use my treadmill for exercise but I push myself on it. Have healthy snacks on hand and drink your water. If you are consistant, it will come off. But again, I think you should pick a number for your calorie intake and stick with it.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    2000 NET is way too much.
    Yes you can eat 2000 IF you're gonna be burning 500 or more cals a day through exercise. But MFP already accounts for your exercise cals when you enter your daily exercise.

    I would set your goal at 2lbs a week and see what MFP spits out. The more fat you have to lose, the more of a daily deficit you're allowed. I would go with somewhere between 1200-1500 NET per day.
  • carrielofton
    carrielofton Posts: 89 Member
    You need to go to TOOLS and put in your height, current weight, age, and how much you want to lose (ie 1 lb a week) and it will tell you how many calories a day you need to eat. You can eat less than what they recommend but I wouldn't eat much less than the suggested. Just a thought.
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    A few things:

    1. Log consistently. I went back through your diary for the last month and I noticed you don't log that often. It would help you (and us) to see what exactly you are consuming.
    2. Check your sodium levels. I notice that when you do log your food you tend to do fast food or out of a box. Both are loaded with sodium.
    3. More water. Drink at least 8 glasses of liquid (preferably non-caffeinated, water-based) per day.

    Good luck!
  • TerriBevG
    TerriBevG Posts: 2 Member
    I found that I when I cut out all foods after about 8 (except for maybe a sugarfree popsicle), then I can lose weight. If I eat anything else after dinner, I don't lose -- even put on weight. Worked for me and hope you can find out what's going on. Keep doing what you are doing and it should start to come off. Good luck.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I know that a lot of people who spent years of yo-yo dieting or doing crazy diets have completely shot their metabolisms. Sometimes doing it the right way can cause a gain at first because your body is trying to figure out what's going on. Stick with it and your body will kick into high gear once your metabolism revs back up. Also, it doesn't hurt to check with a doctor to get thyroid and other tests done to see if there is a medical reason behind it.