Caffeinated Beverages COUNT Toward Water Intake **Please rea



  • kappy_hollowell
    Oooh, very interesting. Especially considering I'm on something like my 5th cup of coffee today (probably not the best idea, but I am *incredibly* focused. :D)

    Bhahahaha.... I have 4-5 cups a day! LOL I'm *incredibly* focused most days myself! and sometimes irritable.
  • tseecka
    tseecka Posts: 90 Member
    I'm a researcher at heart - you did a great job!

    Ahahaha--thank you! I'm just over a year out of university but apparently I kind of miss the whole Google-Fu Research aspect of things, who knew?

    After four years of having it drilled into my head by professors to ALWAYS QUOTE YOUR SOURCES it's second nature for me to go digging for proper scholarly articles any time I try to make a point or I want to gain understanding on a subject. <3

    I have a teacher right now that is making us do a website annotated bib and I am having the hardest time, because I never use websites unless they're governmental or accredited organizations. I always use scholarly articles and for some reason while I'm searching that's all I can find since my mind is so trained to look for journals and articles online I have no clue how to find credible website.

    I know the feeling! What I found worked sometimes is if you can start with the scholarly articles, you can usually do a Google search to find websites/other papers that have quoted it or used it as a reference. I don't remember how, but I know there was a way to pull up that info...

    To be frank (and my profs would roll over in their shallow, shallow graves to hear even Wikipedia CAN be a credible website. As long as the facts you're using are ones that they have referenced from credible sources themselves, there's not really any problem with it.

    I usually just found the articles online and referenced them straight from there as the "website", haha.
  • janarmac
    janarmac Posts: 45 Member
    Really interesting! Thanks for posting :)

    I personally choose not to log my coffee as adding to my daily water intake as I do enjoy sugar and creame in my coffee which causes the calories to add up as we all know. I find it just an easier to way to keep track and if I can get my 8+ cups of water daily on top of coffee (or juices) that I drink then that's only a bonus.
  • tseecka
    tseecka Posts: 90 Member
    I personally choose not to log my coffee as adding to my daily water intake as I do enjoy sugar and creame in my coffee which causes the calories to add up as we all know. I find it just an easier to way to keep track and if I can get my 8+ cups of water daily on top of coffee (or juices) that I drink then that's only a bonus.

    Definitely! There's nothing wrong with getting MORE water; it's basically the most vital nutrient for our bodies. :) For all those people who argue that they can't stand the taste of plain water, though, it's a nice bit of knowing to have.

    I usually try to make sure I have at least 4 cups/1 litre of water a day, alongside whatever tea I happen to be drinking. I like tea because it actually helps curb taste cravings--like if I suddenly REALLY want some chocolate--without any of the calories! I can drink a mug of one of my chocolate teas (and I have many) and count a cup of water + 2 calories or something like that, as opposed to a square of chocolate at 20-some calories and zero water!
  • Its_ali_bella
    Its_ali_bella Posts: 27 Member
    Good to know.