Unhealthy, single, and sick of it

I am 25, almost 26, and I have had maybe 3 boyfriends in my life. The longest one lasted maybe 3 months. I just know I have to be confident enough in myself to let someone else in. I am also very unhealthy and I want to change.

I have insulin resistance which means my body puts out too much insulin so I have to keep my blood sugar regulated or I gain weight easily. I do a combination of the Insulin Resistance Diet and the Glycemic Load diet. Basically I have to eat more protein than carbs in a meal, and I can't eat the carb before the protein. I eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. I have to have at least 2 hours between meals/snacks since there is a 2 hour window where carbs are processed as fat (this means if you eat 30 carbs and an hour later you ate 10, you had 40 total). The Insulin diet says 30 carbs max a meal, and 14 protein minimum. I try to stick to this as best I can. I can always fill up on veggies!

I started dieting in February and have lost about 30 pounds since (I lost some before starting here). It's good but it took a while. Now I need to encorporate working out. I can be a little lazy when it comes to working out, but when I go at it I go hard. If I mess up on my diet I just get right back on the next day. I'm looking forward to meeting the community here :)

I have a blog called "Fat People Gotta Eat Too" that I started after getting fed up with people making fun of heavy people working out or eating salads. Now I use it to blog about my weight loss.


  • tribalwolf4
    Hi, just wanted to wish you luck and to greet you. If you want to friend me, feel free. =)
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Wish you much success. . This is a great site with a lot of support and information. . . I think you will find that you love it here. .
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Having boy friends shouldn't be the litmus test of who or what you are. Boy friends are easy to get and hard to get rid of sometimes. Make YOU the important one for now. You have to feel good about you. You're young to have these health issues but many people have health issues at young ages. I did. I still do. You have to learn to live with your limitations and do the best you can.

    I suggest you try to do something each day. It doesn't need to be a lot and you don't need to try and keep up with anyone else. You'll do fine. And, you'll be fine. Start liking the person you see in the mirror and accepting her for who and what she is.
  • loveshannonmarie
    loveshannonmarie Posts: 30 Member
    You sound just like me :) this site is amazing I started doing it in January then kinda dropped off from June til like a week ago so I'm almost right back to where I started :/ soooo heres to us! lol add me if you want :) and good luck on your journey :)
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    I found your blog on FB, it looks awesome! Looking forward to following it!
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    This is pretty much one of the reasons why I have decided to lose weight. The fact is people are shallow and a guy with a good body has a better chance of obtaining a girl :S

    Also I work in IT and sit a lot so I was putting on weight rapidly! I never got over 58kilos (I am extremely short) and I got over 70! this was not good! Now I am down to 65 and I am looking at getting down to about 60 as I am building muscle also.

    Good Luck!
  • NickyCat101
    Thanks I love it here already :) It finally hit home when I went on a trip for my MBA and my being out of shape really ruined the trip for me.


    I admit that for many first appearances are a factor. For me if someone is healthy, makes me laugh, and is a good person I love them the way they are (they also have to love cats, that is a must lol). I worked in IT for a while and plan to get my PhD in Information Systems so I know how it can be. I try to walk at work a lot. I love my Easy Tones for when I do walk.

    It's great to meet everyone and good luck to you :) Feel free to add me. I will get more active with my blog soon. I found a great recipe for Cauliflower Mac n Cheese!
  • froggle
    I know how you feel, I am 27, unemployed, single and a bit overweight. Trying to change what I can, so since right now the only thing that is in my immediate control is my weight and eating habits and exercise, starting there...any help I can provide others with support or others could supply me would be great!
  • AshlLynnJ
    just saw your blog on fb as well and i like it so far! i'm at the beginning of my journey here but we all need any support we can get! good luck with your weight loss. i'm sure your mr right will come along, you have to love yourself first:heart: