Going to the movies tomorrow...

I really don't want to bring candy considering I've over eaten by a lot for the past few days. ;_; but if I don't bring some thing, I'll end up eating lot of popcorn which is even worse.
Does anybody have some suggestions? Low calorie, low fat kinda stuff?
I think I might bring fruit but i don't know.


  • bdurls
    bdurls Posts: 128 Member
    You're stronger than me! I could never resist the smell of movie theatre popcorn!
  • sioannone
    sioannone Posts: 13 Member
    How about a bag of 100 calorie popcorn? If you have a big purse!!!:laugh:
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I agree, bring something 100 calorie if you can, or a piece of fruit that isn't going to make a mess. Before you leave take a look at the calories of the popcorn at the theater. IT'S RIDICULOUS! That alone stops me from eating it!
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    only take enough money for the ticket/s and leave the rest at home or in the car. It will save you calories & money :)

    I'd say don't take outside food to the movie :)
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I made myself three cups of air popped popcorn for a snack this evening with 1 tablespoon of butter and it was 69 calories. So if you have an air popper you may want to make your own (as long as you have a big purse, like sioannone said!).
  • j4zzy
    j4zzy Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks guys :)