New Girl on the Block!!! LOL Looking For friends on here !

Hi !!!!!!

I joined this a while ago but never actually got into my fitness goals until now. I've lost 5 lbs since last week. I've been hiting the gym anywhere from 3-5 times a week and really watching my calorie/fat/sugar intake. Would like to meet people to bounce ideas off of and to talk about fitness tips with. I find most of the people in my life are not really health concious or really could give two sh*ts ( can i curse here) lol about what i am or am not eating and so i end up looking like a fanatic whenever I am offered cake and I turn it down or a beer etc. LOL Lord. I need motivation.

I am 27 yeard old. Latina. From Brooklyn New York. 5'4 started off at 250. I am now 244.6. I weigh in every Sunday.

I am really enjoying reading the posts on here, they really serve as amazing motivation.

I look forward to meeting you guys.


  • Hi there! I was about the same starting weight and I would love to be friends! I definitely need some tips!!! :-D Well done on the 5lbs by the way!
  • cbu23
    cbu23 Posts: 280 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me!!! This is a great site. Motivational and entertaining!
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    Add me too! :) Welcome, congrats on the first 5!!
  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    Welcome :)
  • aingersoll07
    aingersoll07 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome! I'm somwhat new to MFP too. I did it a little while ago and fell off the wagon. I'm getting back on now though. I'm a fellow New Yawker too...born and raised. :)

    Oh yes the inhibitors! Gotta love them, but stay strong and focus on your goals. Good Luck and feel free to add me as a friend too!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Feel free to add me! We are in a similar place. I am 5'6", started at 261 and am down to 222 in 5 months
  • Thank You !
  • @ losin it for good. Thats amazing !!! will be checking out your tips !!!
  • brittneyshaleen
    brittneyshaleen Posts: 4 Member
    Way to go on your first 5 lbs! The hardest part is getting started and making it habit.
  • I'm new to this!!! :)
  • Hey I would love some support and friends on here too!! I downloaded this app a while ago, and just last week started to actually use it! I am 27, 5'3 and weigh i think about 220. I started at 236 2 years ago, and I have lost 16 lbs and kept it off. I wanna get down to 150 and have been tracking but not really working out. I go to school 30 hours a week and work 25....need to find time. I also need to buy a scale, but am very very strapped for cash....I guess I could measure myself....hmmm anyway i would love a support system!!!

  • Congrats on your first 5! I'm new too and looking for a few people to bounce ideas off
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
    welcome to the site to you and any newbees on this post. I been here for a while and anyone can feel free to add me. I used this site for a year than took a few months off and now back again. This site does work if you use it right. Feel free to add me any one of you.
  • YAY on your first 5!

    I am also starting out at about 250 and I have a weightloss goal of 74lbs in the next year.
    I am looking for some buddies and would love to make a connection and support system.

    Add me :)
  • Congratulations! It's a great site! Helped me a lot and now I need friends to get that initial drive back. You can do it!
  • This kind of thing is sooo much easier with the help of others. Add me Too!!
  • Babyblueeyez4O5
    Babyblueeyez4O5 Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome to MFP add me if you like Iam also new :smile:
  • Hello All, I'm a newbie on the block as well and really need the extra push to help me out... I weigh at 210 and am 5' 3.5'' tall... I'm 26 with an active and bubbly 3 year old son... My excuse was always I just had a baby, but he is grown at 3 going on 23 and I cant hide behind that fact anymore :( ....... Help.. I'm all ears... Thanks in advance! Congrats on all weight losses, I would love to lose anywhere from 35 to 50 lbs, and maintain it in addition to living a more healthier lifestyle.
  • I'm new to the site too. I've lost 4 lbs so far. I'm 5'11, started at 206. Wanted to get down to 160. Would like some friends that have similar goals too. Most of my friends are doing weight watchers so I'm going at this on fitness pal by myself. I'm a 34 year old married momma of 2. My aim is to work out 4-5 times per week. I'm also an emotional binger who is in recovery. Add me if you share similar goals.
  • sgarbacik
    sgarbacik Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome!! I definitely find that it helps to have friends on here to have for support and encouragement as well as to stay accountable to (you can share your food diary and friends get updates on any exercise you do, etc) :) I'm new as well, only been on for a week - lost 3 lbs in that first week! I don't think that's a fluke...

    Congrats to you on your first 5, well done! Just be sure to keep it up! Feel free to add me.