Hi all,I was doing this diet thing off and on for the pass couple of years,I found out yesterday,I am pre diabetic .I was very upset I was already dealing with RA.I did not need this,I pulled myself together,I started execise again and watch what I ate today,I need to stick with it this time,If I don,t ..It won,t be pretty in the future for me!! I can say this is very hard for me,I stay on track about a week and then back to my old habits,


  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I was told that I was going to be diabetic. At the same time, doctors were talking to my father about taking off his leg because of his diabetes. Then my dad told me, "well, you're going to get it eventually because I have it."


    I'll be damned if something that I can prevent is going to kill me!!!

    So I lost 90 lbs, had another baby and lowered my risk of getting diabetes to 3% because I freakin rock like that!
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    I've heard doctors throw around the term pre-diabetic. My certified diabetes educator said that is not an actual medical term regarding diabetes. You either are, or are not. You may bet at risk, but more likely you have Syndrome X.

    Losing weight and eating healthier can change this.
  • JoyBellz
    JoyBellz Posts: 108 Member
    Hi all,I was doing this diet thing off and on for the pass couple of years,I found out yesterday,I am pre diabetic .I was very upset I was already dealing with RA.I did not need this,I pulled myself together,I started execise again and watch what I ate today,I need to stick with it this time,If I don,t ..It won,t be pretty in the future for me!! I can say this is very hard for me,I stay on track about a week and then back to my old habits,

    Just like you, I have been doing this off and on for a couple of years and recently got the pre-diabetic diagnosis as well. Just a week before my diagnosis, my husband was diagnosed as diabetic (his A1C was 9.6 and they like it to be NO higher than 6.0). I was furious! Then I was all depressed and now, I am slowly getting the motivation to do something about it. In the past I have tried to remember the phrase "baby steps." I tend to think that I have to do everything right all the time when it comes to "dieting." AND that is why I give up so quickly. We are all human and it is a learning process. Set small goals for yourself and take one step at a time. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet so take your time and if you mess up, get right back up and try again. You can do it! Hang in there! :)