MFP's college goers!

Do you feel as though you're neglecting MFP?! I mean I still log my foods but I'm not exercising nearly as much or giving others encouragement like I did.... I just feel overwhelmed with classes (5 classes full time) BLAH! Vent.
Anyone stay successful even with going to school?? :)


  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    i feel the same way :( ive been super busy!
  • I definitely agree. My only exercise anymore is walking from class to class :x
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    Yeah...though I'm in the middle of a multiple-month plateau as far as my weight loss goes, I've just started up exercising again. (Today I retooled my calorie goal so hopefully that'll help break the plateau, too.) I hear you on slacking when it comes to encouraging others, though. I'm crazy about studying so sometimes that trumps trolling MFP. :/ Just don't do what I did during freshman year of my first B.A....not eat. BAD decision!
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    i have to work time into my day to exercise, but I'm really committed to it at this point and work out at least 5 times a week
    i know its hard, but if i can do it anyone can! i have a job and I'm taking 19 hours
  • I have managed to stick with it on and off. I work full time and attend grad school (2 classes). It is possible...just have to put your mind to it! Get up an hour earlier to get some exercising in or go between classes when you would likely not be studying! You CAN make it work! :smile:
  • candykay89
    candykay89 Posts: 110 Member
    I am now in Grad school. I currently take 4 classes, full time. I sometimes exercise at nights now since i go to bed so late at nights. Hopefully i can juggle both and do incredibly well in them also.
  • niavalentino
    niavalentino Posts: 131 Member
    I start classes again next week, but when I had first joined MFP it was in the middle of the second round of midterms last school year and it was definitely hard juggling classes, studying, and working out - but I managed. I just did my workouts in the evening, or if I had a morning class and time before my first afternoon class I'd workout. Its tough, but doable!
  • I'm in the same situation, 3 grad classes, 24 hours of internship a week, 8 hour work day and then sat/sun is grocery shop, laundry cleaning, homework etc.

    I have been missing seeing every ones updates through the day and offering support. I have exercise times built in my schedule but not quite done it yet due to injury. I'm going to get back to it this week but that's another 3-5 hours a week i'll be taking away from supporting everyone.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    Yup...I have no life.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Yesterday was 40 days using MFP, and 19lbs was my weight loss as of yesterday. Its totally doable in college, but you need to work hard to focus on eating right
  • I try to work out before class. I will drop my books off at class and then just run around campus for 15mins and run back to class. On days when I have three classes, I get 45 minutes of cardio
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    I feel way overwhelmed..except I find MFP as my fun part of the day lol..but I am lacking on the exercise a tryingt tho! Kids and fulltime school combined so much work!!! and plus work! ahhh
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Yeah... I'm totally a hermit lately and focusing on school, work, and fitness rather than my social life. I live with my boyfriend, though, so it's not like I'm totally alone all the time. One part of my life was going to get neglected, and my social life is the only thing that's expendable right now.
  • i struggle

    i am a full time uni student
    3 jobs
    and have 2 days of unpaid work experience a month :( not easy at all

    so far I'm finding MFP more useful as to being a chore :)