How do you decide what a goal weight would be?

Hi everyone!

I am 5'6. I think I have a large frame, and I don't think that 140 would look healthy on me. So my question is for anyone that has a medium to large frame, what is a good goal weight for someone that is 5'6?




  • alib510
    alib510 Posts: 24 Member
    my friend used an app called 'my ideal weight' and at 5'6 it said she should weigh 158lbs which sounded a lot more realistic to me!
  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    Best to ask your doctor. My wife is 5'7" and weights 135, and she looks good. Had been 150 and dropped it using this and training for a marathon. Still, best advice is ask your doctor.
  • MissMom85
    I am the same height as you and also have a large frame, my Dr told me 165 was perfectly acceptable as a healthy weight for me! Good Luck!
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I just asked a doctor today. It was pretty comforting to hear the opinion of someone with health in mind, and it was less weight than I thought I needed to lose. +1 vote for asking a doctor. :)
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    I looked at my BMI and went on the higher end of the scale. We will see how that looks when I get there.
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    well I'm 5ft 6" and almost at my goal of 130lbs, I've been every where between super underweight 102lbs up to 154lbs and 120 to 130lbs is right for me, not skinny, just solid, healthy and happy
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I'm 5'3" with a large frame and the weight range I should be in is 131lbs to 147lbs.

    But check this out:
  • Legalchica
    go for it! i'm shooting for 140 also but i'm only 5 3!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Play it by ear. Set a moderate goal, and if you're still not happy, keep going.

    At 5'5, I originally thought 135, then 130, then 125-ish. Actually, anywhere around 130 is perfectly fine for me. I don't want to get any smaller than this or I'd have trouble finding clothes that fit properly.
  • kiwicakes
    kiwicakes Posts: 65 Member
    As long as you are within the healthy weight range, (for someone who is 5'6" its something like anywhere between can look this up in google, I could be off) It really all depends on how you feel about yourself. I'm 5'6" currently 138 and I feel I could lose 10,15 more to look toned&fit, although I'm kinda happy with where I am right now.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I picked a number that was in the middle of my "healthy" range.

    But it's purely up to you, as the BMI scale can be less-than-ideal.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I used my BMI. The trickier thing for me to figure out was my body fat percentage. If you're unsure, you could always just ask your doctor.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Most people underestimate how much they need to lose. As you begin to lose, your goal weight tends to get lower, lol.
  • Diveryanfitness
    I don't know. Everyone is different. I'm "large-framed." When I weighted 230#, I thought I'd look good at 180#. When I got to 185#, I thought 175# would be good. Now that I'm 160#, I think that at 153-ish I should be pretty close to where I want to be. However, the scale IMO is a frustrating device. Your weight will fluctuate throughout the day. Some people will retain water. If you're exercising, changes in body composition (muscle from fat) can, to a lesser extent, make it seem as though weight loss is slowing. In any event, I'd advise against weighing too frequently just because of the frustration of seeing weight go up by a pound and making it seem as if you're moving further from your goals; yet it could be from one of those factors above.

    For me it's an on-going thing. I had goals to where I wanted to be, and when I got close, I re-evaluated those goals. I also got a body-fat caliper, the fit of my clothes, and used the full length mirrored sliding doors in my bathroom. To me, that is ultimately more important than what the scale says. I use the scale for a rough estimate, if that makes sense ~ but I put more stock in the mirror and fit of my clothes.

    My goal now is to focus more on body-fat, and that's where the calipers come in. With them I can get a easy and inexpensive ($5-10) assessment of what my body composition is. When I started, I was around 33% body fat. A month ago I was at 23%. My goal is to get to about 15%, and to me now that I've shed my obesity, that is a more of a meaningful goal than to aim for a certain weight.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I'm about 25% body fat. I wanna be 18-20%. If I maintain all my lean body mass, that'd put me at 140lbs.

    But I'm working on gaining muscle first.
  • mandimommy
    I am 5'5" and started at 158. A lot of people thought I didn't need to lose weight but I know I feel best around 135. I am at 139 now and feeling great but plan to lose about 9 more. I definitely have a larger frame and carry my weight well. It's a very personal decision as to what one's target weight should be,
  • shannahjane4
    Thank you everyone!!! Sorry for the delay in response to all your awesome advice!!! THANKS AGAIN!!!
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I measured my bf% and calculated my lean body mass + 10% body fat.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Pick a number, work towards it and evaluate when you get close.
    I'm still above the recommended weight range for my height but I'm quite happy at this size and am planning to work on maintaining around here:
    I'm 5'4" and 71kg (156), my lowest goal was 68 (about 147) but that doesn't seem necessary to me.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I'm also about 5'6 and have a largeish frame. I went with a rough estimate of 140 lbs. I've gotten down to 130 in the past but I was skinny fat and kind of looked like a sickly bobblehead as I didn't lose in a healthy manner, so I set a modest goal that would be more realistic and allow for more muscle. Now that I'm about 8 lbs out I think I will end up losing a little more.

    Guesstimate and take pictures regularly to help you decide if you still need to lose more or that maybe you're getting too thin.