Herbal Tea's for flushing the system

Does anyone know of a good Herbal Tea that will help me flush out my system.... I bought one brand it's called cali girl .. But wanted to know if there are brands out there that someone has tried and works and doesn't give you crazy side effects...


  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Does anyone know of a good Herbal Tea that will help me flush out my system.... I bought one brand it's called cali girl .. But wanted to know if there are brands out there that someone has tried and works and doesn't give you crazy side effects...
  • Yewkon
    Yewkon Posts: 34
    I believe sea salt (has to be real sea salt and not iodized salts) and warm water will flush out your system.

    Two teaspoons of sea salt mixed with 1 quart of warm water.
    Drink it all at once and then wait about 2 hours.

    Google 'sea salt flush', if you want more information.

    I dont know whether or not a system flush actually does anything or if it's just old wives' tales, however.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    I know something great for flushing your system. It's called water. Drink it every day in large quantities.
    It's free!! Good luck on your weight loss journey!!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I know something great for flushing your system. It's called water. Drink it every day in large quantities.
    It's free!! Good luck on your weight loss journey!!!

    O i drink so much water!!! Im becoming a fish!!! I just wanted something to help me flush my system. i might just try adding more fiber or something..
  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    If you take the 'add more fiber' approach, make sure to do it gradually over several days or you'll risk getting clogged up. Been there, done that. It is NOT fun! :laugh:
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    There's a tea that I get right in my grocery store. It's usually in the Asian food section called Ballerina's tea (green box). It will help flush out your intestines. I wouldn't use it durning the work week as when I first used it I couldn't be far from a bathroom. But it will help get rid of the build up inside that we all get that water won't clear. But make sure you do drink lots of water with it to avoid any possible dehydration. Don't use it a lot since the herbs in it are for use in moderation only. And if you have a lot of allergies I wouldn't suggest it. Other than that, I would give it a try and see if it helps!!
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I am sorry flushing your system could be several different things. It could mean drugs, digestive system, urinary tract, etc....................... Can you be more specific?
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I am sorry flushing your system could be several different things. It could mean drugs, digestive system, urinary tract, etc....................... Can you be more specific?

    im looking to flush out my intestines
  • Sexythighz
    Sexythighz Posts: 159 Member
    There's a tea that I get right in my grocery store. It's usually in the Asian food section called Ballerina's tea (green box). It will help flush out your intestines. I wouldn't use it durning the work week as when I first used it I couldn't be far from a bathroom. But it will help get rid of the build up inside that we all get that water won't clear. But make sure you do drink lots of water with it to avoid any possible dehydration. Don't use it a lot since the herbs in it are for use in moderation only. And if you have a lot of allergies I wouldn't suggest it. Other than that, I would give it a try and see if it helps!!

    I was going to suggest the same product! Ballerina Tea is really good!
  • Vanessa1969
    Vanessa1969 Posts: 144 Member
    CBC's Marketplace did a great show recently on people who are advertising products to flush out your colon. It brings up a lot of debate.
    You can see it here: