
pinkandstars09 Posts: 65
Does drinking water really help you lose weight? I am on my second day of adding water. I dont drink my fluids but i am forcing my self .Will drinking alot of water help with weight lose.

Heres my scheduel:
2 cups of coffee in the am
trying to make 100 oz of water a day
15 oz of Spark Energy drink.

and try to stay at or under my calorie goal.


  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Definitely, it helps to flush waste out of your body, and fat is carried out through our waste...everytime we sweat or use the bathroom. Keeping hydrated has a lot of benefits, but when it comes to weightloss, getting the fat/waste out of your body is major one.
  • I cut soda almost completely out of my diet last year when I started the HCG Diet. With the diet I started drinking a gallon of water a day. Now, I can say that when I don't drink my gallon of water a day I retain water and gain...when I get back on track my weight returns to "normal". Keeping yourself hydrated with water is a large part of weight loss. No calories, helps you feel full longer so you snack less, etc.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Staying at your calorie goal is what will let you lose weight.
    That goal already has a deficit built in.

    Getting enough fluids is extremely important -- but it does not have to be plain water.
    I drink 10-13 8oz glasses of a fluid a day and none of them are plain water.
    If you are drinking things with calories/sodium etc -- just track them in your food journal as well.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    No, but it's good for you.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Scientifically, there is really no benefit from drinking water beyond what you need to stay adequately hydrated. If your urine is a light straw-yellow to almost clear, you're drinking plenty of water for your body to function at its best. If you drink more water beyond that amount, it will just mean more trips to the restroom.

    Perhaps there are some psychological weight loss benefits to extra water drinking. Some people think it helps them feel full. Other people get validation from the belief they're building a healthy habit. So, if it works for you and you feel there are benefits, then by all means... drink the water.

    Personally, the amount of water I drink in a day changes based on how hot it is, how much I sweat, what kind of workout I'm doing and yes... the color of my pee. Some days that's 6 glasses of water, some days it's 12. But I never drink extra water just to meet some 'magical' goal.
  • water does help...but you dont have to be soooo drastic with it. your going from nothing to 100 oz a day...try for the first week just drinking 10 oz before every meal. then add to it every week little by little, you will get used to it and learn to like it. i drink 8-14 glasses a day but it is also all i drink since i have gotten used to it. i was the same as you i never really drank it before...but once i started i didnt want anything else:)
  • I cut soda almost completely out of my diet last year when I started the HCG Diet. With the diet I started drinking a gallon of water a day. Now, I can say that when I don't drink my gallon of water a day I retain water and gain...when I get back on track my weight returns to "normal". Keeping yourself hydrated with water is a large part of weight loss. No calories, helps you feel full longer so you snack less, etc.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    That is awesome - how did you make yourself drink that much water. I am definately struggling for whatever reason.
  • i don't deprive myself of coffee but just think of it as if i finish at least 60 oz before lunch i can have a free drink with lunch =) i didn't get that yesterday but that's okay.
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