insanity ??

So i have been thinking about buying the program but i want to know if it is really worth it and how much space you need to do the workout in? Also do you already need to be in pretty good shape are can you start it as a not quite beginner but not almost to the end yet? thanks for the help


  • bump- i would like to see what other people say too
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    If you do a search on Insanity you will find other posts. From what I have heard it's a pretty intense workout but you can always work your way up slowly to full intensity.
  • I have only done one of the Insanity videos myself but being a Beachbody "Coach" I would not suggest this workout for someone that is just beginning a workout routine. Beachbody sells other video programs that work wonderfully. I am doing Chalene Extreme which is a lot slower pace and builds muscles that burns fat even at rest therefore you burn all day long.

    Other suggestions would be:
    TurboJam -a fast paced cardio workout with exciting music and Charlene Johnsons positive attitude. TurboFire is the next level up of this series.
    Power 90 - Tony Horton's first 90 day workout that is a tough workout that prepares you for P90X (X= extreme, P90X2 is coming out soon).
    Slim in 7 - a 6 week program that is great for begginners. The AB workout is awesome.
    Brazil Butt Lift - a cardio workout for the "bum bum" that is extreme in the fact that he just doesn't stop. It's has some latin flare and it very fun.

    I hope this helps give you other options. When all is said and done, just keep active and you will eventually be able to so all of these workouts.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks for the info -I will check out some other programs too - i have some dvds that i can use to get started
  • TempleFitClub
    TempleFitClub Posts: 5 Member
    I just started round 2 of Insanity. I am a Beachbody coach as well. But I am not here to push a sell...just to answer your questions and help if I can.

    In terms of space, you don't need a ton. During round 1, I worked out in my bedroom. I have a narrow space between the end of my bed and my dresser. I had room enough, lengthwise...You'll be doing lots of push ups, including moving push-ups, so think of the space you'll need for your body height. But there really isn't a ton of room needed.

    In terms of intensity...This *is* an intense program. I have worked through P90X and others. And nothing else has compared for me. However, I have to also say that this is the ONE workout that got me hooked and made me commit to and maintain my fitness and healthy lifestyle. It was a life changer for me!

    One thing that helped me and might help others is this...During round one--60 days during this past Spring--I never worked out facing the tv. Odd, I know. But I found it very discouraging that I could not keep up with the insane pace that Shaun T and the others working out in the dvds kept! I learned the exercises and then turned away with my side to the tv and faced a mirror where I could check form and have another focus point. This helped me personally tremendously. I focused on my own abilities, my own pace, and making my own improvements. I'd be happy to share my day 1 vs day 60 strength gains if that is of any interest. The most impressive thing for me was the push-ups...I used to have NO upper body/arm strength. And I certainly never used to get compliments on my arms of all things. Insanity changed all that. It completely reshaped and toned my body. I am excited to see what round 2 does and then I'm moving on to Insanity: the Asylum, which is a 30 day killer! Can't wait.

    Good luck, guys!

  • I think you would be okay. =) I did start in *average* shape, but by no means above average! I am almost done with my second round, and have lost 10lbs and around 10's worth it. :)
  • For a beginner Jillian Michaels workout DVD's always worked for me and I did those for a couple years and now I'm doing the Insanity but only on week 3 and yes it kicks your *kitten* but you can take it as the pace that is best for you! You move around alot so I would have a pretty decent area around you and have nothing in your way like furniture etc. My husband put a tv and mats in our garage and that works well for me. Good luck and just do what works for you! Everyone is different!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I haven't done it, but every single one of my friends who has tried it ended up hurting themselves (knee injury, pulled/strained muscles, stress fracture...) and wasn't able to complete the program.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    If you are in good shape, have no problem with your joints then go for it. There are lots of jumping in that work out.
    Turbo Fire is the good program. You can burn lots of calorie.