Me attempting to Bellydance (Youtube)

So I joined this move your body challenge. OMG I picked bellydancing for today WHHHHYYYYY????


  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You're awesome. :)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    That's awesome! I love bellydancing!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    You are awesome. That's all there is to it!

    ETA: you're my new hero for posting this :heart:
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    Go you :D Hope you enjoyed it!
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    LOLOL sweetness :)

    I think with a lil more practice you'll be awesome cause you can move the hips!

    Thanks for posting this!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    You got some move girl!!! keep it up!!!
  • get it gurl!!! great job!!!
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    (((HUGS))) Thank You So Much! I was like what am I doing?? It was so much fun!!
  • bump, i am totally subbing to you! also now i want to make a bellydancing video next.. haha i wonder if my sister will go for it.. i mean some of the stuff we have done in our videos i dont see why not! lol
  • CoolAKB
    CoolAKB Posts: 6 Member
    Girl you were getting it!!!!! Get down I love it!!!!:smile::smile: :smile:
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    Hey what's the name of your channel I want to check it out!
  • Hey what's the name of your channel I want to check it out!

    if your talking to me its fitfullforce, my sister is a personal trainer and thats her channel, my personal channel is tracymshaw, but it doesnt have anything good on it lol, but thats what i subbed with