Not losing... feeling discouraged

Alleyct Posts: 5
Since beginning MFP, I've lost 12.5#, and I hoped to lose 20# by Thanksgiving (a reasonable goal). I saw slow but steady progress for weeks, which of course is great motivation. But for two weeks now, I haven't lost anything at all even though I've been strict with my calorie intake, coming in under my goal calories everyday, but not eating too few either. Now I have 7.5# to go in two weeks... not gonna happen. I'm disappointed that my reasonable goal has now become so unreasonable. I'm not going to give up, but I'm just disappointed and needed to vent a little.


  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    I had a stretch of 2 weeks where I lost no weight, I added a little more calorie burn (exercise) and dropped 2.6 pounds by the next weigh in. Our bodies get used to exercise routines. Try switching it up and you will see results.
  • awdhemi
    awdhemi Posts: 99 Member
    Switch it up! Switch up the foods that you are eating, switch up the exercise (type, length, etc.). Heck one day I even splurged and got a starbucks and appartently that's what my body needed to get over the hump and made me lose weight. Just don't get discouraged. It happens to all of us!
  • bhaktinstella
    bhaktinstella Posts: 51 Member
    i agree with Marie S. - i did that too for three weeks, not losing at all! so i added ten minutes to exercise (and, let's face it, tried harder at it) and i lost 2 pounds in one week, then i don't lose for two, then lose one more - slow and steady!!. you should be proud of the 12 gone!! that's GREAT!
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    Make sure you are drinking water and measuring food correctly. I gained weight last week or no apparent reason, was under cal goals and exercising, it disappeared this week, but it means no loss for me either in two weeks. It is frustrating, but it will catch up, just keep going! Try doing a new workout. I started ripped in 30 and I think it's helping me kick up my metabolism a little.
  • Hi, I just joined and I noticed how much weight you both lost, and wow, I am amazed! I wanted to ask you guys how you guys did it? I just started yesterday and I did stay under my calorie count by 100 calories and I did exercise. What kind of exercises do you guys do? How many minutes of exercise do you guys do? How many days a week? I would appreciate your help. Thanks.
  • awdhemi
    awdhemi Posts: 99 Member
    Hi, I just joined and I noticed how much weight you both lost, and wow, I am amazed! I wanted to ask you guys how you guys did it? I just started yesterday and I did stay under my calorie count by 100 calories and I did exercise. What kind of exercises do you guys do? How many minutes of exercise do you guys do? How many days a week? I would appreciate your help. Thanks.

    Drink lots of water. Incorporate lots of fruit/veggies into your diet. Depending on the type of exercise, I do 30-60 minutes. But don't do the same exercise for too long, your body will become used to it. I switch it around between Zumba on my Wii and my Bowflex treadclimber. On days where I really don't want to exercise, I do something fun with the kids, like Just Dance on the Wii.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First off, STOP DOING THAT TO YOURSELF!! You've lost 12.5 pounds in just over a month! That is fantastic!!!

    Expecting to lose 20# in less than 2 months is a actually pretty unreasonable. It might be possible but it's a little high of an expectation IMHO. Even if you stick to all the rules, there is so much out of our control with this weight loss thing, setting your goals too high will likely lead to further discouragement. Most of us will lose a lot at first and then our bodies don't cooperate as well - happens to just about everyone. Keep reminding yourself that this isn't a race and it's not a competition. Somewhere around 5 pounds per month might be a more reasonable - and that way, if you lose more, you can be really happy about it!

    As for suggestions - are you tracking your sodium? Water weight can be a huge downfall so if you're having some high sodium days (even if you are staying within your calories) and not counteracting with plenty of water/fluids, you're probably retaining. Have you changed up your workour routine lately? If so, that may also be leading to water retention. And if not, it could be your body has gotten used to the routine and needs a change to kick start your calorie burn.

    Could also be that you're not eating enough - sometimes a 2 pound per week goal is too high, especially if you're routinely under your calorie goal by 100 calories or more. Or maybe you're not eating your exercise calories back but you need to.

    There are seveal things you can try to mix it up but please rememer that the body tends to take a few weeks to truly react to a change so give it at least 1 week or 2 to see how things are going.

    Oh and take youre measurements! The scale is not the be all end all. I bet you've lost some inches in the last couple weeks, even if the scale's not showing a change. My body does that to me all the time - drop a pound or two, then the scale's stuck while my body catches up, then drop a pound or two, etc.

    Congrats again on your success and good luck!
  • Thanks, I had already lost weight three years ago but then gained it again, but it seems so much harder and I get disappointed to fast and give up. I am at 144 right now and I want to start little by little so my first goal is 6 pounds, then another 5 pounds until I get to 124. But it just seems so hard especially with three kids, I feel like I have no time!
  • Thanks for the encouraging words and suggestions! I am 99% sure I'm not drinking enough water. I know that, and I try to drink more everyday. Some days are better than others. I will continue trying to add water.
    I need to change up my exercise options, like y'all said. I work in an office (sitting a lot), and I wonder if y'all have any suggestions for in-office exercises. I can't leave my office very much, so going outside for a walk is not an option. The only real exercise I get is walking around inside the building, which I try to do regularly.
    As for the measurements, I actually have not noticed any change in the fit of my clothing which may be the most discouraging part. With 12.5# you'd think I would see a difference, but I really can't. Hopefully, that part will come very soon.
    I'm wondering if my plateau could have anything to do with my "body calendar" since that typically has cycles of water retention, I think.
    OK- I'm going for a quick walk around the building!
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    Hi, I just joined and I noticed how much weight you both lost, and wow, I am amazed! I wanted to ask you guys how you guys did it? I just started yesterday and I did stay under my calorie count by 100 calories and I did exercise. What kind of exercises do you guys do? How many minutes of exercise do you guys do? How many days a week? I would appreciate your help. Thanks.

    I to the C25K (couch to 25 K) trianing M-W-F with weight or strength training 3 - 4 days a week. I changed my eating habits and since August (Ithink) I am losing an average of 1 pound per week. slow and steady, and I have my days where I eat a candy bar, pizza and the like, I just make sure I log everything I eat and make myself accountable for my eating habits. Having friends on MFP is a huge help as well - tons of support!

    Drink lots of water, log your calories and don't get discouraged. Need encouragement, MFP is the place to be :bigsmile:
    Feel free to add me to your friends list and good luck!
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